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剑桥少儿英语的个人空间 http://www.jzyi.net/?17121 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]



已有 578 次阅读2012-7-18 17:49 |个人分类:剑桥少儿英语| 少儿英语, 西安交大


unit 3 catch and run
  part 1 catch
  part 3 catch and run
  catch run ,catch run ,catch and run
  part 4 listen and do
  run to the door
  run to the window
  run to the table
  run to the blackboard
  run to the teacher
  run to the flowers
  part 6 chant it
  catch a ball run to the door
  catch a pen run to Ben
  catch a pencil run to the middle
  catch run catch run ,cactch and run
  part 7 let`s learn the letter C
  1 ask and answer
  what`s this ,it`s big C
  what`s this,it`s small c
  2 say it
  c is the moon
  c is the moon
  we are on the moon
  we are on the moon
  3 read it
  cab cap cat
  exercises 1 read and point
  stand run catch sit
  2 listen and circle
  A pen B moon C door D girl E sit
  unit 4 colour it green
  part 1 find the colour
  white pink green black red yellow purple
  part 3 chant it
  green green colour it green
  red red colour it red
  yellow yellow colour it yellow
  black black colour it black
  part 4 ask friend
  what colour do you like?
  blue green
  part 5 listen and point
  black red yellow pink blue green purple and white
  which is the blue duck?
  which is the red duck?
  which is the black duck?
  which is the green duck?
  which is the purple duck?
  which is the yellow duck?
  which is the white duck?
  part 6 let`s learn the letter D
  1 ask and answer
  what`s this ,it`s the letter D
  2 say it
  harp chair
  big D is a harp
  smaal d is a chair
  the girl is sitting on the chair playing the harp
  3 read it
  dog doll door
  excercises 1 read it
  red orange yellow green indigo blue purple






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