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新版剑桥少儿英语听力二级下lesson16 MP3下载

已有 465 次阅读2012-7-23 14:19 |个人分类:剑桥少儿英语| 少儿英语, 二级, MP3下载


[00:00.00]Unit 16   Let's have fun!
  [00:15.54]1.Let's sing and act.
  [00:21.55]Always get up early.Often twist your body.
  [00:43.05]Sometimes stretch your arms.And never,never stop.
  [00:50.44]Always sit up straight Often move your shoulders.
  [00:57.26]Sometimes turn your head.And never,never stop.
  [01:16.46]Always get up early.Often twist your body.
  [01:23.46]Sometimes stretch your arms.And never,never stop.
  [01:29.97]Always sit up straight.Often move your shoulders.
  [01:37.57]Sometimes turn your head.And never,never stop.
  [01:47.26]2. Say it.   1.Humpty Dumpty
  [01:54.76]Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
  [02:03.85]All the king's horses,and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty together again.
  [02:12.05]2. The sky
  [02:16.25]Red sky at night,Shepherd's delight;
  [02:22.05]Red sky in the morning,Shepherd's warning.
  [02:28.24]4.Look,read and listen to the following story.
  [02:37.65]On Sunday Lily found a green frog.
  [02:52.85]"Frog,"she said,"You are going to school with me."
  [02:59.75]That night Lily found a box and put holes in the box and put her frog inside.
  [03:08.06]When Lily woke up on Monday morning,the box was empty.
  [03:14.17]"Where is my frog?"Lily cried.
  [03:18.66]Lily looked under her bed and behind the door,
  [03:24.36]but she could not find her frog anywhere.
  [03:28.56]"Frog!"she said."Where are you?"
  [03:33.55]"Lily,"her mum called."Where are you?"
  [03:38.54]"I'm right here."
  [03:41.94]Lily did not want to tell her mum that the frog was lost.
  [03:47.55]Lily's mum called again,"You will be late.""I'm coming,"called Lily.
  [03:54.74]She quickly took her schoolbag Lily ran to the bus stop.
  [04:02.23]She found her friend Ben there.She had a big bag.
  [04:08.42]"What's in the bag?"
  [04:12.42]"Shells.I found them at the beach.Do you want to see them?"
  [04:20.23]"Sure,"said Lily."Nice shells,"Lily said,"
  [04:27.02]I found something,too,but I lost it."
  [04:31.62]Just then the school bus came.They got on the bus.
  [04:38.02]"Watch it!"Lily shouted when they got off the bus.
  [04:43.72]Ann fell on the ground and her strawberries all fell out of herbag.
  [04:50.12]"I'll help you."Lily and Ben helped Ann to pick up the strawberries.
  [04:56.41]"Thank you!"Ann said.
  [05:00.90]In the classroom,everybody was talking about their things
  [05:06.31]but Lily sat there quietly Suddenly a frog jumped on Lily's desk.
  [05:14.02]She stood up and shouted,"This is my frog.Look!"
  [05:19.43]"What's going on?"asked the teacher.
  [05:23.92]"That's my frog.I found it near my home.
  [05:28.23]"Lily held the frog.She was very happy.
  [05:33.22]She said,"This frog is my favourite animal."






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