
标题: 2012年武汉市初中英语九年级5月供题(试卷) [打印本页]

作者: Stacy    时间: 2012-5-31 16:35
标题: 2012年武汉市初中英语九年级5月供题(试卷)
1. A.  She’s smart.  B. She’s Green.  C. She’s waiting for you.
2. A.  By bus. B. Very early. C. Near the market.
3. A.  A small one. B. A football. C. Too heavy.
4. A.  Cheap.   B. To cut pears. C. The new one.
5. A.  Around five. B. With Tom. C. Not very far.
6. Who is on duty now?
A. John. B. Alice.  C. The man.
7. What time is it now?
A. It’s 7:00. B. It’s 7:20. C. It’s 8:00.
8. What place will the man go to?
A. A bank. B. A bookstore.     C. An escalator.
9. What does Jack do?
A. He is a driver. B. He is an assistant. C. He’s a pilot.
10. How does Maria’s father get to work?
A. By bus. B. By subway. C. By train.
11. Where are they talking?
A. In a library. B. In a restaurant.          C. In a post office.
12. What’s the relationship between the two speakers?
A. Husband and wife. B. Neighbors. C. Father and daughter.
13. When will the Film Week begin?
A. Next Monday. B. Next Tuesday. C. Next Saturday.
14. How many films are mentioned?
A. One. B. Two. C. Three.
15. Which film is about friends?
A. Ali’s Surprise B. Yes, Madam C. Space Dogs
16. Which city is Emma going to visit?
A. Wuhan. B. Beijing. C. Jinan.
17. How will Emma go to the city?
A. By air. B. By bike. C. By train.
18. What is Emma worried about?
A. The weather. B. The riding. C. The trip.
19. Who are the speakers?
A. Pen pals. B. Mother and son. C. Teacher and student.
20. How can Mike improve his pronunciation?
   A. By watching TV.       B. By listening to tapes.    C. By singing songs.
21. When does the English club meet?
   A. On Wednesday. B. On Thursday. C. On Friday.
22. What should Mike do with writing practice?
   A. Find a pen pal. B. Join a club.   C. Write to newspapers.
23. What was John doing when his mother walked in?
A. Doing his homework. B. Writing a letter. C. Chatting on line.
24. When are they going to have a party?
A. On August 6. B. On August 16. C. On August 26.
25. Why did John write to Uncle Tom?
A. To thank him.   B. To ask for gifts. C. To practice writing.
26. --- When were you born?
   --- I was born       August 26th, 1978.
   A. in              B. at C. for D. on
27. --- Hi, Tim. How are you doing?
   ---       .
   A. Watching TV     B. I’m OK C. That’s all right D. It’s a pleasure
28. --- Would you like me to help you?
   ---       .
   A. Never mind      B. Well done C. Yes, please D. I’d love to  
29. --- Help yourself to some more soup.
   ---       .
   A. It doesn’t matter B. It’s my pleasure   C. I’m full, thanks D. Very well, thank you
30. --- What’s your father?
   --- He’s a teacher. He        math at a school.
   A. teaches B. taught C. will teach D. has taught
31. Mary doesn’t remember when and where she        this skirt.
   A. buy B. have bought C. will buy D. bought
32. --- Where’s Tina?
   --- She        to the library.
   A. goes B. had gone C. has gone D. would go
33. --- What a beautiful purse! Can you tell me ________?
   --- Sure, in Wuhan Plaza.
   A. where did you buy it                     B. where you bought it  
C. when did you buy it                     D. when you bought it
34. --- Are you going to buy the camera?
   --- I ________, I don’t have money enough on me.
   A. mustn’t B. can’t C. needn’t D. mayn’t
35. --- I’m very busy right now. Will you get something to drink for me?
   --- Sure. It’ll ________you a trip.
   A. save B. plan C. cost D. offer
36. --- What’s the matter?
   --- I can’t stand the loud music here. It’s nearly       me mad.
   A. keeping B. turning C. giving D. driving
37. --- I hear Ted got hurt badly in the car accident yesterday.
   --- It’s true. His careless driving was the       of the accident.
   A. reason B. cause C. excuse D. answer
38. --- What’s wrong with Lucy?
   --- She still hasn’t       the shock of her mother’s death.
   A. got out B. got through C. got over D. got on
39. --- There are so many trees on       side of the street.
   --- Oh, yes, and they are beautiful.
   A. either B. neither C. both D. all
40. --- Have you said goodbye to your grandparents?
   --- Not yet. The line is      .
   A. ready B. bad C. crowded D. fine
Walking a few kilometers a day is normal. How about walking 30km? This is   41   students did at the Middle School Attached to Shangdong University in Jinan.
The students there hiked about 30km from school to a local mountain and back. The school has held hiking   42   since 2001, in order to   43   the students’ bodies and minds, according to Zhao Yong, the headmaster.
The trip   44   about nine and a half hours, and more than 700 Junior 2 students took part in the hike. The trip started at 7:30am and ended at 4:30pm on April 1.
“I felt a strong team spirit during this   45   experience,” said Li Yaoyu, 14, one of the flag bearers(旗手) of the hike. “When we fell behind others, strong students supported weak ones so that we could   46   the trip. Some of them helped me   47   the flag. I wouldn’t have been   48   to finish the trip without their help.”
On the way back to school, Shao Mingyang, an eighth grade student, couldn’t go on with   the trip because he was a little   49  . “We suggested that he take the school   50   or give up the trip, but he   51   and insisted(坚持) on walking by himself,” said Wang Daoyuan, Shao’s teacher.
Shao came back to school at 5:05pm. He was the last to finish the hike. His classmates waited for him at the school gate and   52   for him. “I felt   53   for my students, especially Shao Mingyang. I’m happy to see them learn the   54   of perseverance(坚持不懈), which will be very   55   in their future lives,” said Wang.
41. A. what B. how C. when D. why
42. A. lessons B. examinations C. activities  D. games
43. A. check B. build C. mix   D. train
44. A. cost B. spent C. began D. lasted
45. A. special  B. normal C. tiring D. healthy
46. A. stop B. continue C. enjoy D. test
47. A. protect B. fetch C. carry D. guard
48. A. glad B. ready C. safe D. able
49. A. fat B. nervous C. strong D. careless
50. A. flag B. uniform C. dinner D. bus  
51. A. complained B. refused C. agreed D. wondered
52. A. looked B. welcome C. cheered D. served
53. A. sorry B. thankful C. proud  D. hopeful
54. A. lesson B. skill C. way D. meaning
55. A. colorful B. important C. educational D. modern
As I was finishing seventh grade, my school decided to make some changes because of financial(财政) problems. The school would make the classes bigger, so there could be fewer teachers. We needed to write down the names of people we wanted to be with and didn’t want to be with. I wrote down the names of all my close friends.
I found out that none of my close friends were in any of my new classes. Also, my new classmates were quite different from my old ones. I thought they weren’t as smart as my old classmates. They also weren’t in the school activities I was in. I couldn’t find common interests with them.
As the year went on, I began to feel lonely and envy people in other groups. Why could they be with all their friends? As I found out, they didn’t have many friends at first. They had made new friends in their new classes. They seemed pretty happy with their new friends.
I decided it was time for me to make new friends. I noticed that the people with many friends were very active. They often talked to others first, while I was too scared to talk to others and hoped other people would talk to me first.
Once I realized that, I found that making friends is very easy if you can accept people for who they are, respect them, and talk to them. Now I feel a lot happier because I have more friends.
56. What problem did the writer have in the new classes?
A. He couldn’t do what he used to do. B. His classmates had no interests.
C. His classmates didn’t want to talk to him. D. He had no close friends in the class.
57. What does the word envy mean in this passage?
A. Hope to join other groups.    B. Wish to be in other people’s situation.
C. Expect other people to come to him.    D. Want to share other people’s interests.
58. What can we know about the writer?
A. He was an outgoing happy boy. B. He can’t get on well with his classmates.
C. He was good at making friends. D. He liked to take part in school activities.
59. From the reading, we can infer that ________.
A. there were fewer classes in the school B. some students were asked to go to other school
C. students spent more money on new classes D. the writer’s friends didn’t like him any more
60. The writer wants to tell us that ________.
A. it’s difficult to make new friends B. the school needs much money to run
C. being active is good for making friends D. it’s not good to envy your close friends
61. The reading above is in fact ________.
A. an advertisement B. a report C. a notice D. an invitation
62. When you are accepted, you’ll work for ________.
A. a radio station B. a TV station C. a newspaper office D. a magazine
63. You may get the position if ________.
A. you have similar working experience B. you can only speak English
C. you are good at shooting camera         D. you are short of confidence
64. How can you get in touch with travelogue?
A. By chatting online. B. By posting letters. C. By sending emails. D. By making phone calls.
65. If you are interested in the job, you must send your CV before ________.
A. May 2 B. May 13 C. May 18 D. May 21
Thirteen-year-old Lola Walters has taken America by storm! She is nearly blind, but wowed the crowds at the American Gymnastics Academy Long Beach Open last month.
  Lola suffers from a condition causing her to see double. She cannot see anything until she is just five feet away. However, she competed with other young gymnasts with perfect vision. The judges knew nothing of her condition, but they were still amazed by her perfect gymnastics skills.
  “The floor isn’t any different for me,” Lola says. “But the beam(平衡木) is only four inches wide, so it’s hard enough for anyone to walk on, let alone jump on. So when I start to see two beams instead of just the one, I need to steady(稳固) myself on my feet and really focus.”
  There is a saying that goes, “One minute on the stage is worth ten years off the stage.” Even for normal people, you have to work very hard to achieve success, to say nothing of a blind girl like Lola. Can you imagine how much pain she endured(忍受) when she was practicing? It’s common for her to fall down from the beam and her accidents are more serious than other gymnasts. But that does not stop her from practicing gymnastics.
Now gymnastics has become Lola’s passion and she plans to be a gymnastics coach when she’s older.
66. Lola is suffering from ________.
A. seeing double B. being a coach     C. jumping on beam D. more common accidents
67. It’s clear that ________.
A. Lola was hit by a storm in the US B. Lola often falls off the beam when practicing
C. Lola is a beautiful blind girl D. Lola has become a coach
68. The judges were amazed by Lola’s skills because ________.
A. they knew she couldn’t see well B. she performed perfectly
C. she was a young coach D. they had never seen that before
69. We can learn from the reading that ________.
A. blindness is good for gymnastics B. the judges prefer hard-working to perfect skills
C. Lola has no trouble to perform on the floor D. normal people can achieve success easily
70. The best title for the reading is ________.
A. Fair Judges B. Careful Gymnast C. Nothing Impossible     D. Strange Illness
71. I need a new jacket. This one doesn’t ________ the cold.
72. My shoes were really ________. They only cost 10 dollars.
73. Wait before you buy that cell phone. Let’s ________ prices at another store.
74. His uncle took him out to dinner at an ________ restaurant, and the food was very delicious.
75. Working hard at English can ________ you to a wonderful world.
One day, I was walking along Fifth Avenue. Suddenly I remembered that I n  76  to buy a pair of socks. I turned into the first sock shop that c  77   my eye, and a boy clerk came forward.
“What can I do for you, sir?” “I wish to buy a pair of socks.” His eyes shone. There was a note of passion in his v  78  . “Did you know that you have come into the f  79   place in the world to buy socks?” I really didn’t know that, because I came here accidentally. “Come with me,” said the boy.
  I followed him and he began to i  80   all kinds of socks. “H  81   on, I am going to buy only one pair!” “I know that,” said he, “but I want you to see how beautiful they are. Aren’t they  w  82  ?” There was a serious expression on his face, as if he were talking about his belief.
I became far more i  83   in him than in the socks. I looked at him and said, “My friend, if you can k  84   up this excitement day after day, in ten years you will o  85   every sock in the United States.”
And now he has become the CEO of the biggest sock shop in the world.
1. 本周五晚上七点半在会议厅举行;
2. 节目丰富,积极参与,玩得愉快;
3. 穿着整洁,不可四处走动、大声喧哗;
4. 晚会大约两小时;5. 请根据情况补充一至两点注意事项。
1. 词数60---80,通知开头已给出,不计入总词数;
2. 文中不要提及真实的校名和人名;3. 书写规范,卷面整洁。
        English evening 英语晚会;meeting hall 会议大厅;neatly 整洁地
Fellow students, may I have your attention, please? I have something important to tell you.___________

作者: jckit    时间: 2012-6-1 06:42
作者: LOCKLOSE    时间: 2012-6-1 19:57
作者: xuanxi    时间: 2012-6-1 19:57
作者: 火燚燚。    时间: 2013-9-20 17:51
作者: lhm0842    时间: 2013-9-22 09:22
good work ,thks

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