标题: 如何表达生气与后悔 [打印本页]
作者: Amy 时间: 2012-6-7 11:01
标题: 如何表达生气与后悔
1. 我生气了。I’m angry. = I’m worked up.
= I’m in a temper. = I’m mad.
= I’m annoyed. = I’m irritated.
2. 住嘴!Shut up! = Cut it out!
= Knock it off!
3. 我忍无可忍了。I’ve run out of patience. = I lose my temper.
= It drives me up.
4. 真讨厌!What a nuisance! A: We have to work overtime today.
B: What a nuisance! 真讨厌!
nuisance n. 讨厌的人或东西,麻烦事
5. 我这辈子还没发过这么大的火。I’ve never been so mad in my life. A: I’ve never been so mad in my life.
B: What happened? Take a deep breath. 发生什么事了?缓口气再说。
6. 真让我生气。It really makes me angry.
A: David always tells us what to do.
B: It really makes me angry. 真让我生气。
7. 你要把我气死了。You’re going to be the death of me.
A: I failed again. 我又没及格。
B: You’re going to be the death of me.
● be the death of“逼得某人要死”
8. 你故意让我生气。You are pushing my buttons.
A: You are pushing my buttons.
B: I’m terribly sorry, but I didn’t mean that.
实在对不起,但我不是故意的。 ★ button n. 按钮,钮扣
9. 我真让你给气死了。You really make my blood boil.
= I’m mad at you.
= I’m furious with you. = I’m angry with you.
A: The teacher gave me a zero.
B: You really make my blood boil.
★ blood n. 血液 ★ boil v. 沸腾
● make one’s blood boil“使某人愤怒”
10. 你的确懂得如何让我生气。You really know what buttons to push. A: You really know what buttons to push.
B: Just calm down. 镇静些。
11. 不要取笑我。Don’t make fun of me.
= Don’t tease me.
= Don’t laugh at me.
12. 不要再找借口了。No more excuses.
= Don’t make any excuses.
= Don’t give any excuses.
13. 你正在惹恼我。You’re getting on my nerves. = You’re bothering me.
= You’re irritating me.
● get on one’s nerves“令某人不安”
14. 她气得昏了过去。She was so angry that she fell into a faint.
A: She was so angry that she fell into a faint.
B: Call an ambulance.
打电话叫救护车来。 ★ faint n. 昏倒
★ ambulance n. 救护车
15. 我受够了。I’ve stood as much as I can. A: I’ve stood as much as I can.
B: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.
★ stand v. 忍受(过去式和过去分词为stood)
16. 我很容易生气。I’m quick at taking offense. = I steam easily.
★ offense n. 触怒,不悦
■ steam原意为“冒蒸汽”,口语中常借指“冒火气,愤怒,发脾气”。
17. 我真不该那样。I shouldn’t have done that.
A: I shouldn’t have done that. 我真不该那样。 B: What did you do? 你干什么了?
shouldn’t have done sth.“本不该做某事”
18. 这次我真的给弄糟了。I really screwed up this time.
○I really messed up.
● screw up =mess up“把……弄糟,搞砸”
19. 我很后悔错过了那次机会。I’m sorry to have missed the chance. = I regret having missed the chance.
20. 我后悔做了那件事。I regret doing that. A: I regret doing that.
B: What do you mean?
21. 我要是不说那句话就好了。I shouldn’t have said that.
A: Your words have hurt her.
B: I shouldn’t have said that.
我要是不说那句话就好了。 ★ hurt v. 伤害
22. 我做得有点过分。I went a little far.
= I overdid it.
● go too (a little) far“做得(有点)过分”
23. 我要是没做那件事就好了。How I wish I hadn’t done that. = If only I didn’t do that.
A: How I wish I hadn’t done that.
B: It’s too late.
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