
标题: 自学新概念英语第二册笔记 Lessons 68 [打印本页]

作者: 学以致用    时间: 2012-8-23 14:22
标题: 自学新概念英语第二册笔记 Lessons 68
  课文详注 Further notes on the text
  1.I crossed the street to avoid meeting him, but he saw me and came running towards me. 我穿过马路以便避开他,但他看到我并朝我跑过来。
  (1)avoid 以及本课中出现的 enjoy, fancy, mind, finish等动词后面只跟名词性的宾语,即只跟名词或动名词:
  They managed to avoid a car crash/crashing their car into the wall.他们设法躲过了一起汽车撞车事故/避免了将车撞在墙上。
  (2)running 引导的是分词短语,作状语,修饰 came,表示伴随状况:
  She ran after the thief shouting out for help.她一边追赶小偷,一边大声喊叫求助。
  2.It was no use pretending that I had not seen him…若再装做没看见他已是没有用了……
  这句话中,it是先行主语,真正的主语是 pretending 引导的动名词短语。It is (of) no use doing…是个固定结构(其中的 of可省略),表示"做……也是徒劳的/无益的":
  It is (of) no use worrying about your family.为你的家人担心是无益的。
  3.No matter how busy you are…不管你多忙……
  no matter可与疑问词 (how, who, when, where, what等)一起引导让步从句,表示"无论":
  No matter where you go, you can't forget your home.无论你到哪里,都无法忘记自己的家。
  No matter what I say, I seem to say the wrong thing.无论我说什么,都似乎说得不当。
  4.I had to think of a way of preventing him from following me around all morning. 我得想办法不让他整个上午缠着我。
  think of在这里的含义是"想出", way在这里表示"办法", a way of后面的部分用于修饰 way。prevent表示"阻止/制止"时其常用结构为 prevent sb. from doing sth., from可以省略:
  I can't prevent you from going if you want to.你如果想去,我无法阻止。
  5.You're not busy doing anything, are you? 你不忙,是吧?
  John was angry, wasn't he?约翰生气了,不是吗?(肯定式+否定式)
  He hasn't left, has he?他没走,是吗?(否定式+肯定式)
  I can see him, can't I?我可以见他,不是吗?(情态助动词作助动词)
  You like it, don't you?你喜欢它,不是吗?(没有助动词时加do)
  6.Would you mind my coming with you? 我跟你一道去行吗?
  (1)Would/ Do you mind…? 是一个用来表示客气的请求或征求意见的结构,其中可以用if引导的从句或动名词结构。表示"同意/不介意"时,用"No, not at all"或"Certainly not"来回答;不同意时往往用一些委婉的说法,如" I'm sorry, but…"等回答,不用"yes, I do":
  (2)如果动名词的动作执行者与句子的主语不一致时,它前面可以加所有格形容词或宾格代词,作为动名词的逻辑主语(cf. 本课语法):
  I hope you won't mind my staying here.我希望你不介意我呆在这儿。
  语法 Grammar in use
  (look forward to, be used to等)之后、一些表示喜好的动词(hate, love, prefer等)之后不定式与动名词的区别以及 need 和want之后动名词的用法等:
  I like watching TV.我喜欢看电视。(一般行为)
  I'd like to watch TV.我(现在)想看电视。(特定)
  The strap needs mending.这提包带需要修理。(动名词在这里有被动的含义)
  (2)有些动词后可以用动名词作宾语,但不能用不定式。这些动词包括 avoid, admit, deny, fancy, finish, enjoy, mind(在乎,在意),suggest, stand(容忍)等:
  I tried to avoid meeting him.我试图避开他。
  I never enjoy meeting Nigel Dykes.我就怕遇到奈杰尔·戴克斯。
  I haven't finished speaking yet.我还没有说完。
  (3)有些结构通常要接动名词,如 busy, worth, it is no/little use, bored with, interested in, insist on, prevent…from等:
  I'm busy making meat pies.我正忙着做肉馅饼。
  A Lancaster bomber in reasonable condition is worth rescuing.一架状况尚好的兰开斯特轰炸机值得抢救。
  He insisted on paying.他坚持要付钱。
  I'm interested in acting.我对表演感兴趣。
  He insisted on my paying the bill.他坚持要我付账。
  I don't think the children enjoy your/his/John's singing.我不认为孩子们喜欢你/他/约翰唱的歌。
  Please excuse his not writing to you.请原谅他没有给你写信。
  Do you mind my smoking?我可以抽烟吗?
  Do you mind opening/my opening the door?你/我可以开门吗?
  (5)come和go之后可以跟与户外活动相关的动名词(climbing, driving, fishing, riding, shopping, walking等),表示建议、邀请或叙事:
  Why don't we go swimming?为什么我们不去游泳呢?
  Come dancing this evening.今晚来跳舞吧。
  Yesterday we went fishing.昨天我们去钓鱼了。
  (6)感知动词(hear, see, feel, watch等)后面既可以跟宾语加分词结构,也可以跟宾语加不带to的不定式。现在分词往往强调动作正在发生,用于叙述中时使人身临其境;不定式则可以表示动作发生了或过程结束了。有时它们之间的区别不大,可以互相替换使用。试比较:
  I watched him climb/climbing the tree.我看到他爬树了。(区别不大)
  词汇学习 Word study
  1.fancy vt.
  Fancy meeting you here!想不到在这儿见到你!
  Fancy Ian not knowing the answer to such an easy question!真想不到伊恩竟会不知道如何回答这样一个简单的问题!
  I don't fancy going for a walk in the rain.我不爱在雨中散步。
  It's a fine day and I fancy driving down to the coast.天气真好,我想开车去海边。
  2.insist vt.,vi.
  He insisted that he was right.他坚持他是对的。
  He insists on the importance of the meeting.他强调这个会议的重要性。
  I insist on speaking to the manager.我坚决要求/一定要与经理谈话。
  My wife insists that I (should) have my hair cut.我妻子执意要我理发。
  练习答案 Key to written exercises
  C (sample sentences)
  1 It's no use trying to reason with him.
  2 Let's go swimming.
  3 Forgive my interrupting you.
  4 Do you deny having taken/taking the money?
  5 He came rushing towards me.
  6 I'm busy writing letters.
  7 I always enjoy going to the cinema.
  8 Would you mind closing the door, please?
  1b  2b  3c  4d  5b  6b
  7b  8c  9c  10 c  11a  12a

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