
标题: 新概念英语一册笔记6 [打印本页]

作者: hellokitty    时间: 2012-10-11 10:55
标题: 新概念英语一册笔记6
How are you today?


Life is like a fable. It is not measured by its length, but by its content.


Eat to live, but do not live to eat.



colour 颜色

green 绿色的

grey 灰色的

brown 棕色的

black 黑色的

blue 蓝色的

grey and black 黑灰相间的

brown and white 棕白相间的

orange 橙色的

yellow 黄色的

smart 巧妙的,时髦的

lovely 秀丽的,可爱的

hat 帽子

same 相同的

upstairs 楼上的

here 这里

there 那里

home 家

upstairs 楼上的

downstairs 楼下的

abroad 国外

downtown 市中心

here 这里

there 那里

home 家


case 箱子





加-s 或 -es

加 -s 后的读音 [s] [z] [iz]

清辅音加 -s 读 [s]

浊辅音[与元音]加 -s 读 [z]

以 -ch -sh -x -s -z 结尾的词加 -es


1 普通的名词后边直接加 s

a book/ two books

2 以辅音字母加 y 结尾的单词要把 y 变 i 加 es

baby -> babies

3 以 -ch -sh -x -s -z 结尾的单词要加 -es 读音为[iz]

4 以 f 或 fe 结尾的单词要变为 ves

knife -> knives

wife -> wives

5 辅音字母加 o 结尾的单词要加 es

potato -> potatoes

zoo -> zoos

元音字母加 o 结尾的单词要加 s


[a] [e] [i] [o] [u]


live [liv] [laiv]

dog 狗

custom 海关

officer 官员

girl 姑娘

Danish 丹麦的

friend 朋友

Norwegian 挪威人

passport 护照

brown 棕色的

tourist 旅行者

Lesson 17 How do you do? 你好!


employee n. 雇员 [7emplCi5i:, im5plCii]

hard-working adj. 勤奋的

sales rep(s) 推销员 [5seilz-5reps]

man n. 男人

office n. 办公室

assistant n. 助手

employ/ employment

I need to employ some people to help me do this work.


employment 工作

一个动词后有 -ee,是被这个动作影响的人;一个动词后有 -er,是做出这个动作的人。

-ment 名词后缀

hard-working / hard-work / work hard

hard-working adj. 勤奋的

hard-work 艰苦的工作 This is a hard-work.

work hard 努力地工作

diligent adj. 勤勉的 [5dilidVEnt]

Sophia is a hard-working girl.

They are very hard-working.

man 也可以表示“人类”的意思。


Old man!

man-to-man defence


office building/ office clerk/ office hours/ office worker

office assistant

assist 援助

Lesson 18 What are their jobs? 他们是做什么工作的!

P 36 Written exercise A

1 He

2 They

3 We

4 She/ He

5 She/ He

6 They

sales reps

keyboard operators





Customs officers

taxi drivers


air hostesses






What's your job?

What's his job?

What's her job?

His job is ……

He is an engineer.

She is a keyboard operator.

What are their jobs?

They are keyboard operators.

They are sales reps.

mechanic/ mechanics

man-> men

woman-> women


Are you a teacher or a student?

Are you teachers or students?

We are not teachers. We are students.

Are they mechanics or hairdressers?

They aren't hairdressers. They are mechanics.

Are they nurses or housewives?

They aren't housewives. They are nurses.

Are they engineers or taxi drivers?

They aren't taxi drivers. They are engineers.

Are they Customs officers or hairdressers?

They aren't hairdressers. They are Customs officers.

Are they keyboard operators or milkmen?

They aren't milkmen. They are keyboard operators.

What are their jobs?

Are they mechanics or sales reps?

They aren't mechanics. They are sales reps.

Lesson 17 How do you do? 你好!


Mr. Richards

Mr. Jackson

Nicola Grey

Claire[klZE] Taylor

Michael[5maIkl] Baker

Jeremy[5dVerimi] Short

Come and meet our employees, Mr. Richards.

Thank you, Mr. Jackson.

This is Nicola Grey, and this is Claire Taylor.

How do you do?

Those women are very hard-working. What are their jobs?

They're keyboard operators.

This is Michael Baker, and this is Jeremy Short.

How do you do?

They aren't very busy! What are their jobs?

They're sales reps. They are very lazy.

Who is this young man?

This is Jim. He is our office assistant.

补充材料第一册 Unit Six

[ai] price/ white/ quite/ ride/ fight/ mind

[ei] hate/ waste/ game/ snake/ plate/ shame

[Ci] boy/ soil/ choice/ join/ noise/ employ



1 前重后轻

2 从第一音滑到第二个音

make/ lake/ take/ sake/ wake/ snake/ shame

line/ time/ price/ ride

cat [kAt]

late [leit]


五个元音字母在单词中处于倒数第三位的位置,并且单词的末尾是 e,则这元个元音字母都发其字母音。

开音节 / 闭音节


Do you mind my smoking here?

in my mind

I have no choice.

I'll employ some people to help me to do this work.

Lesson 19 Tired and thirsty 又累又渴


matter n. 事情

children n. 孩子们 (child 的复数)

tired adj. 累,疲乏

boy n. 男孩

thirsty adj. 渴

Mum n. 妈妈

sit down 坐下

right adj. 好,可以

ice cream 冰淇淋

Lesson 20 Look at them! 看看他/它们

big adj. 大的

small adj. 小的

open adj. 开着的

shut adj. 笑[笔误,应为关]着的

light adj. 轻的

heavy adj. 重的

long adj. 长的

shoe n. 鞋子

grandfather n. 祖父

grandmother n. 祖母

Lesson 21 Which book? 哪一本书

give v. 给

one pron. 一个

which question word 哪一个

Lesson 22 Give me/him/her/us/them a ……Which one? 给我/他/她/我们/他们一……哪一……?

empty adj. 空的

full adj. 满的

large adj. 大的

little adj. 小的

sharp adj. 尖的,锋利的

small adj. 小的

big adj. 大的

blunt adj. 钝的

box (boxes) n. 盒子,箱子

glass (glasses) n. 杯子

cup (cups) n. 茶杯

bottle (bottles) n. 瓶子

tin (tins) n. 罐头

knife (knives) n. 刀子

fork (forks) n. 叉子

spoon (spoons) n. 勺子

Lesson 23 Which glasses? 哪几只杯子

on prep. 在……之上

shelf n. 架子,搁板

Lesson 24 Give me/him/her/us/them some…Which ones?给我/他/她/我们/他们一些…哪些?

desk n. 课桌

table n. 桌子

plate n. 盘子

cupboard n. 食橱

cigarette n. 香烟

television n. 电视机

floor n. 地板

dressing table 梳妆台

magazine n. 杂志

bed n. 床

newspaper n. 报纸

stereo n. 立体声音响

作者: 龙龙他妈    时间: 2013-7-13 11:49

作者: 幻化成风    时间: 2013-8-25 10:02

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