
标题: 2012完成句子考点精练:非谓语动词 [打印本页]

作者: 云霞客    时间: 2012-4-16 15:38
标题: 2012完成句子考点精练:非谓语动词
本帖最后由 云霞客 于 2012-4-16 15:46 编辑

1.过去分词做状语是一般位于句首,而且该动词和句子的主语之间存在逻辑上的动宾关系;某些过去分词已经被形容词化了,往往用于系表结构中,既不表示被动也不表示完成只表示一种状态。如:lost 、seated、 absorbed、dressed in、tired of(厌倦)、hidden(躲)等,不管做什么成分都不用ing形式。

_______________________(专心读书),he didn’tnotice me enter the room.(absorb)

2.现在分词作状语时,该动词和句子的主语之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系。Doing表示一般性动作或者正在进行的动作;having done则表示发生在谓语动作之前的动作,通常有表示完成的时间状语,Not 必须放在V-ing之前。

Dina, __________________(奔波)formonths to find a job as a waitress, finally took a position at a localadvertising agency.(struggle)

When ____________________________(比较不同的文化),we often pay attention tothe differences without noticing the many similarities.(compare)

______________________________(没有完全康复)from the operation,the patient was advised tostay in hospital for other two weeks.(recover)

3.Ving 作主语相当于一个名词,有被动beingdone和否定not doing/not being done的形式。Ving作宾语常放在admit、appreciate、avoid、can’t help、delay、escape、imagine、suggest、be devoted to、be accustomed/used to、look forward to、object to、lead to、insist on、make a contribution to、get down to、can’t stand、have difficulty (in)、have a good time (in) 等,若表示被动就用being done的形式。动词need、want、require表示需要时后面加Ving的主动形式表示被动意义,be worth 也是如此。

_____________________(解雇)by onecompany doesn’t necessarily mean that you have no way to support yourself.(lay)

____________________(暴露于)sunlightfor too much time will do harm to one’s skin.(expose)

Can you imagine what difficulty people had this year______________(抵抗)several natural disasters?(resist)


With many books ________________(出版),he became more and more famous.(come)

With_____________________________(如此多的工作充斥着)my mind,I am stressed out.(fill)

Lucy was much annoyed to find the computer________________________(她让人修理了)severaltimes broke down again when she returned to her office and got down to herwork.(repair)

Keeping the mind _______________________(充满着任务) - no matter how meaningless - staves off (避开)negative emotions, the studyfound.(occupy)

5.当我们确定是非谓语作定语时,必须判断动词和所修饰的名词的关系(若是动宾关系,过去分词表被动或者完成,being done表示正在被做,to be done表示将要被做)。

I’m not sure if I can attend the wedding ceremony____________________(举行)at 8o’clock tomorrow morning.(hold)

There were many talented actors out there just______________________(等待被发现)(discover)

Many buildings in the city need repairing,but the one __________________ (首先要修的)is the library.(repair)

Play ,often ____________________(视为一种活动)for younger children,is still important in the socialdevelopment of teenagers.(see)

I’m afraid we’ll have to work extra hours,for there are still someproblems________________________ (剩下要解决)(remain)

Teleworking means people save time previously______________________________-(花在旅行上班)andallows them to be more flexible in working hours.(spend)

6.have sth done=get sth done表示让某事由被人去做

have sth done还可以表示主语遭受了某种情况

have sb/sth doing表示让某人、某物持续地做某事

get sb/sth doing表示使某人、物开始行动起来

have sb do =get sb to do表示让某人去做某事

have sth to do 主语有事需要自己做

have sth to be done 主语有事需要别人来完成

答案:absorbed in a book;havingstruggled; comparing different cultures; Nothaving fully recovered; Being laid off; Being exposed to;resisting;comingout; so much work filling;she had  had repaired; occupied with tasks; to beheld; waiting to be discovered; to be repaired first; seen asan activity; remaining to be settled; spent travelling to work.

作者: 李云亮    时间: 2012-4-21 10:44
作者: 冰镇可乐    时间: 2012-4-21 10:44

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