标题: 双语:你有“名人崇拜综合征”吗? [打印本页] 作者: 美丽依旧 时间: 2013-3-20 10:28 标题: 双语:你有“名人崇拜综合征”吗? 曾经看过一个小品,说是一个女孩子跟歌迷会一起去机场给某歌星接机,然后有幸跟歌星握手。于是,这女孩子就半个月不洗手,希望把歌星的触感保留到最后一刻。类似这样的疯狂粉丝举动平日也能听到不少,总结起来都叫celebrity worship syndrome(名人崇拜综合征)。
Celebrity worship syndrome (CWS) is an obsessive-addictive disorder in which a person becomes overly involved with the details of a celebrity's personal life.
名人崇拜综合征(celebrity worship syndrome)指一个人过度关注某位名人私生活细节而导致迷恋成瘾的精神混乱状态。
There are 3 different aspects to celebrity worship:
This dimension comprises attitudes that fans are attracted to a favorite celebrity because of their perceived ability to entertain and become a social focus such as “I love to talk with others who admire my favorite celebrity” and “I like watching and hearing about my favorite celebrity when I am with a large group of people”.
Intense-personal aspect of celebrity worship reflects intensive and compulsive feelings about the celebrity, akin to the obsessional tendencies of fans often referred to in the literature; for example “I share with my favorite celebrity a special bond that cannot be described in words” and “When something bad happens to my favorite celebrity I feel like it happened to me’”.
This dimension is typified by uncontrollable behaviors and fantasies regarding scenarios involving their celebrities, such as “I have frequent thoughts about my favorite celebrity, even when I don’t want to” and “My favorite celebrity would immediately come to my rescue if I needed any type of help”.