
标题: 网络流行“中式英语”知多少? [打印本页]

作者: djt000    时间: 2013-5-23 16:42
标题: 网络流行“中式英语”知多少?
 1. Niubility或newbility 牛B


  Meaning: In Chinese, “niu” means “cow”, which also means that someone is very capable. “Bi” is used to

  refer a person rudely.

  牛B基本与“牛”的意思相同,是“niubi”与英文后缀“-bility”(表示能力的)组合而成的一个词,也写作newbility。它时褒时贬,做褒义讲时内含钦佩之意,做贬义讲则内含讥讽之意,例如某人做了一件比较“彪”的事,旁人狂呼“牛B”,其讥讽之意不言而喻。与英文后缀“-bility”合成的Chinglish还有不少,如“Many people think they are full of niubility and like to play zhuangbility, which only reflect their shability and erbility.(很多人认为自己很牛B,也喜欢装B,这些都只不过反映了他们的傻B和二B。)”中下划线的词语都是较粗俗但时下流行的网络用语。


  2. Geili 给力


  Meaning: Chinese Internet buzzword which means “cool,” “awesome” or “exciting.” Literally, “giving power.”



  3. Z-turn 折腾


  Meaning: Also Zhe Teng, means when driving, suddenly turn right or left; it also implies political stance change or political movement.

  折腾(Z-turn),指重复做一些无意义、无关联、不必要的事情。它的反义词“不折腾”最先见于政治用语, 译为“no Z-turn”非常恰当,因为老外对交通标志一般都很敏感,英语交通标志中有一个“No U turn”的说法,所谓U turn,就是掉头。“Z-turn”这种说法非常形象:先朝左开,再朝右开,然后再朝左开,这是干什么呢?折腾呗!


  4. Smilence 笑而不语


  Meaning: Smile and keep silence. Used when you know the answer, but do not want to say it or there is some force stop you from telling it out.




  5. Vegeteal 偷菜


  Meaning: The most popular online game in China which everyone with IQ above 30 can play.



  6. Togayther 终成眷属


  Meaning: Used for gay couples when they are together. It shows they are gay, and they are together.



  7. Stupig 笨猪


  Meaning: Combination of the words “stupid” and “pig.” It is most commonly used upon beings of immense stupidity and who are fat, short and bald.



  8. Antizen 蚁族,蚁民


  Meaning: The large number of young people, the majority of which are recent college graduates, who cannot find work or who work but earn minimal wages. They scurry around mostly unnoticed by the rest of society, gathering together on the fringes of big cities and living in poverty with several to a room.

  蚁族(antizen)是由ant(蚂蚁)+ citizen(市民)构成的一个词,它通常是指毕业后无法找到工作或工作收入很低而聚居在城乡结合部的大学生,他们和蚂蚁一样拥有高智商,作为弱势群体过着群居生活,如今这已成为一个亟待解决的社会问题。与其类似的中式英语合成词还有shitizen(P民)。




  上述这些“中式英语”均为中国网民自创,现在并非标准英语,只在国内网络上流行。但随着国际交流的日益深化,语言在不断变化,英语从中文中“借”走的词也不在少数,如koutow(叩头),kongfu(功夫),tofu(豆腐),typhoon(台风),lose face(没面子),long time no see(好久不见)等,这些词填补了英语与汉语的文化缺失。说不定哪天上述这些中式英语也能变成英语词汇呢,who knows?

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