
标题: 初中听歌学英文好方法《Never Say Never》 [打印本页]

作者: 龙猫    时间: 2013-8-19 14:22
标题: 初中听歌学英文好方法《Never Say Never》

  Never Say Never
  ---- By Justin Bieber
  See I never thought that I could walk through fire
  I never thought that I could take the burn
  I never had the strength to take it higher
  Until I reached the point of no return
  And there's just no turning back
  When your hearts under attack
  Gonna give everything I have
  It's my destiny
  I will never say never! (I will fight)
  I will fight till forever! (Make it right)
  Whenever you knock me down
  I will not stay on the ground
  Pick it up
  Pick it up
  Pick it up
  Pick it up up up
  And never say never
  I never thought I could feel this power
  I never thought that I could feel this free
  I'm strong enough to climb the highest tower
  And I'm fast enough to run across the sea
  And there's just no turning back
  When your hearts under attack
  Gonna give everything I have
  Cause this is my destiny
  I will never say never! (I will fight)
  I will fight till forever! (Make it right)
  Whenever you knock me down
  I will not stay on the ground
  Pick it up
  Pick it up
  Pick it up
  Pick it up, up, up
  And never say never
  Never say never
  Never say never
  Never say never
  And never say never
  首先我们看下歌名Never Say Never,这里我们解释成永不言败,或者 永不放弃。其实整首歌的腔调和旋律带有浓重的金属气息,也时刻散发出来了年轻人应该拥有的不屈服,顽强的精神。
  1. See I never thought that I could walk through fire.
  解析: thought是think的过去时,这个词我们一般可以用于表达“原以为”的意思,比如: I thought you were at school yesterday, but it turned out you were not. (我原以为你昨天在学校,但结果你不在。)
  2. I never thought that I could take the burn.
  解析:这里我们需要注意的是take这个词,take一般表示“带走”之意,但此处是“忍受”的意思。例如:I can't take the heat anymore,it's too hot.
  3. And there's just no turning back. 我已无法回头
  解析:there's no...表示“…不可能” “无法…”后接动名词。例:There is no saying what may happen.(说出将要发生什么是不可能的)There's no denying the fact. (这一事实无法否认)
  4. I will never say never! (I will fight)
  解析:这首歌的主题句,也是最上口的一句歌词!我绝对不会说办不到的,也就是说 “我会永不言败,战斗到底的!”
  5. And I'm fast enough to run across the sea. 我快到可以穿过海洋。
  解析:adj(形容词)+ enough + to do... 表示足够...去做某事,例:He is tall enough to slam-dunk.(他高到都可以灌篮了。)
  6. Pick it up!
  解析:pick ...up 这个词组意思很多,比如说最基本的意思就是 "把...捡起来"
  例:He picked the apple on the ground.(她把地上的苹果捡起来了)
  例:I'm so busy today, could you pick up Jerry from school
  for me? (我今天很忙,你能帮我接一下Jerry放学吗?)
  例:Mary picked up French when she was studying in France.(Mary在法国学习的时候学会了法语)
  例:He fell down but finally picked himself up.(他摔倒了,但是最好还是爬起来了。)
  最后要和大家分享下:学英语本来就是一个不断犯错,不断改正,不断进步的过程哈,所以大家一定要在遇到挫折时Pick yourself up,这样才能让你的英语越来越棒!Remember: Never say never!

作者: 火蝴蝶    时间: 2013-8-19 14:22
  这个不错  可以有   方法很好 又可以联系英语口语
作者: 老山文学    时间: 2013-8-19 14:26
这种 方法加强了  听力能力  多找点朗朗上口的歌 这样学习会更加快
作者: 长江九号    时间: 2013-8-19 14:27
我当年学英文的时候 就听英文歌  跟着英文歌哼··然后在慢慢去了解单词的意思··
作者: 1289872468    时间: 2013-8-21 13:31

作者: djt000    时间: 2013-8-27 17:37
火蝴蝶 发表于 2013-8-19 14:22
这个不错  可以有   方法很好 又可以联系英语口语

作者: Scylla刘    时间: 2013-8-27 22:37
 1. See I never thought that I could walk through fire.   解析: thought是think的过去时,这个词我们一般可以用于表达“原以为”的意思,比如: I thought you were at school yesterday, but it turned out you were not. (我原以为你昨天在学校,但结果你不在。)   2. I never thought that I could take the burn.   解析:这里我们需要注意的是take这个词,take一般表示“带走”之意,但此处是“忍受”的意思。例如:I can't take the heat anymore,it's too hot.   (天气太热,我受不了啦。)
好详细啊 宾语从句的语法可以拿来用用
作者: annietaoli    时间: 2013-10-7 12:07
Mary picked up French when she was studying in France.
作者: 快乐无忧    时间: 2013-10-9 15:56

作者: 快乐无忧    时间: 2013-10-11 12:14

作者: 龙龙他妈    时间: 2013-10-26 16:19

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