
标题: 你不知道的英语! [打印本页]

作者: 喵喵喵喵、    时间: 2012-4-27 14:56
标题: 你不知道的英语!
talk someone into something     说服某人做某事
carry a tune               唱歌不走调
break out in a cold sweat    突然浑身冒冷汗
go off the deep and      勃然大怒
get a hold of oneself     控制住情绪
blow something out of proportion     夸大其词
put someone through a wringer     受尽折磨
to give someone a fair shake      一视同仁
to have a prayer    没有成功的可能
walk arm in arm     手拉着手走
as plain as the nose on one's face     显而易见
go together     谈恋爱
pull someone's leg   愚弄某人
rob the cradle  与比自己年轻地多的异性约会
a flash in the pan     昙花一现
hit the nail on the head    完全正确
pop the question       求婚
tie the knot      结婚
keep something to oneself    保守秘密
what gives    怎么了?
on the level     说真话
i'll say     说得对
show one's true colors     露出 真面目
get off on someone     对某人大喊大叫
to make a long story short     长话短说
no laughing matter       非同小可
start from square one     从头开始
serve someone right     某人活该

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