普林斯顿、斯坦福、哥伦比亚!怎一个“牛”字了得……神马?你还是木有概念这位童鞋到底有多牛?那咱们就先从录取她的介些个学校说起吧 T_T
这三所大学都是大名鼎鼎的世界名校,其中Princeton University和Columbia University都隶属于著名的常春藤联盟(The Ivy League)。说起这个The Ivy League,那就更有讲究了:
The Ivy League is an athletic conference comprising eight private institutions of higher education in the Northeastern United States. The conference name is also commonly used to refer to those eight schools as a group. The eight institutions are Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, Princeton University, the University of Pennsylvania, and Yale University. The term Ivy League also has connotations of academic excellence, selectivity in admissions, and social elitism.
包括布朗、哥伦比亚、康奈尔、达特茅斯、哈佛、耶鲁、普林斯顿和宾夕法尼亚大学在内的这八所学校,起初是由于体育竞技而结成联盟,后来每一所学校都逐渐发展成为美国乃至世界的最顶尖高校(top-level universities)。所以,“常春藤联盟”现在不仅代表着最高水平的精英教育(elite education),更拥有着很高的社会地位,可以说是每一位学子的梦想殿堂(dream school)!(小编内牛满面,羡慕嫉妒恨哪!)