
标题: NCE2 第十八课笔记 [打印本页]

作者: 欧欧哥哥    时间: 2012-5-11 11:03
标题: NCE2 第十八课笔记
        'The play may begin at any moment,' I said.
        'It may have begun already,' Susan answered.
        I hurried to the ticket office. 'May I have two tickets please?' I asked.
        'I'm sorry, we've sold out,' the girl said.
        'What a pity!' Susan exclaimed.
        Just then, a man hurried to the ticket office.
        'Can I return these two tickets?' he asked.
        'Certainly,' the girl said.
        I went back to the ticket office at once.
        'Could I have those two tickets please?' I asked.
        'Certainly,' the girl said, 'but they're for next Wednesday's performance. Do you still want them?'
        'I might as well have them,' I said sadly.
        “剧马上就要开演了, “我说.
        “也许已经开演了呢, “苏珊回答说.
        我匆匆赶到售票处, 问 : “我可以买两张票吗?”
        “对不起, 票已售完. “那位姑娘说.
        “真可惜!” 苏珊大声说.
        正在这时, 一个男子匆匆奔向售票处.
        “我可以退掉这两张票吗?” 他问.
        “当然可以, “那姑娘说.
        “我可以买那两张票吗?” 我问.
        “当然可以, 不过这两张票是下星期三的, 您是否还要呢?”
        “我还是买下的好, “我垂头丧气地说.
        1、'The play may begin at any moment,' I said.
        at any moment   在任何时候, 随时
          The guests may arrive at any moment.
          It may/might rain (at) any moment.
        at the moment =now
        at that moment =just then    就在那时
        I will help you at any time.    我随时都会帮你
        must,can't,may+动词原形, 表示对现在、未来的推测
        She must be a model.     (must    一定, 很可能)  
        She may be a model.      (may     有可能)        
        She can't be a model.    (can't   不可能)      
        may,must,can't + have done,表示对过去的推测
          She must/may/can't have been a model.
          I must/may/can’t have watched TV.
        2、I hurried to the ticket office. 'May I have two tickets please?' I asked.
        Can(May) I...?    我……可以吗?(表示“……可以吗?”,第一人称可以和can或may相连)
          May I have a ticket ?    (英文中的问句, 常常起礼貌作用)
          May I have your name?    (比 “What’s your name?” 更有礼貌些)
        Could I...?     我现在可以...吗?   
        (在问句中更委婉的说法, 比can I 更礼貌些,但在时间上与can没区别)
        Can you...?     你可以...吗?  (第二人称不能用may来表示“……可以吗?”,只能用can)
        have 是最活跃的词, 可以指任何的意思.
         have coffee    喝咖啡
         have ticket    买票 (习惯用法)
         I'll have/take sth. 我买……(一般不用“buy”,用“have”习惯用法)
        3、'I'm sorry, we've sold out,' the girl said.
        sell out  (店主)售完(某种货物),(货)被售完
          They have sold out of eggs.
          Tickets for tonight’s performance are sold out.
        4、'Certainly,' the girl said, 'but they're for next Wednesday's performance. Do you still want them?'
        for next Wednesday's performance,用名词所有格来取代时间,“……时间的”
        用介词for, 起修饰作用
        ticket for+事情     ……的票
        ticket to+地点      去……的票
         May I have a ticket to Tianjing?
          May I have a ticket for the sports meeting?
        still   adv. 还,可以和任意时态连用
        still, yet   都和完成时态连用(原先认为)
        want them [] 注意连读
        5、'I might as well have them,' I said sadly.
        may/might as well+动词原形     还是……好(无可奈何),不妨……
        I might as well take the umbrella with me.
        It’s not very far, so we may/might as well go on foot.
        had better+动词原形     最好……(积极心态)
【Key structures】 
Can and May
        Can I use your phone please?/Could I use your phone please?
        May I use your phone please?/Might I use your phone please?
          肯定:Of course you can/may.
          否定:No, you can’t/ may not.
        may/might +动词原形:表示对现在或未来事情的推测
          He may come tomorrow./He might come tomorrow.
        may/might +have 动词过去分词:表示对过去事情的推测
          He may have telephoned last night, but I’m not sure.
          He might have telephoned last night, but I’m not sure.
        3、may/might as well+动词原形:还是……好(无可奈何),不妨……
        Do you think he’ll pass that exam?
        He’ll never pass. He might as well give up.
作者: german    时间: 2012-5-11 15:30
既然来了,就留个脚印 {:4_113:}
作者: zggxbsxy    时间: 2012-5-11 15:30

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