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本帖最后由 烨晚 于 2012-4-11 15:33 编辑
When Rose (Kate Winslet) went to break Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) out of handcuffs, she decided to use an axe. If she missed -- which, obviously, she didn't -- she would have ended up cutting his hand off. However, if you look at the scene frame-by-frame, you can see that Rose actually did hit Jack, right on the wrist. Lucky for Leo, that thing wasn't real。 当Rose(Kate Winslet饰演)把Jack(Leonardo DiCaprio饰演)从手铐中解救出来时,她决定使用斧头。如果她失误了—显然,她没有—她将会把Jack的手砍掉。然而,如果你一幅画面一幅画面的观察,就可以发现Rose已经击到了Jack,正好是在手腕处。对Leo来说幸好那不是真的。
Why, that capstan is not metal at all! Toward the end of the film, when the boat begins to split in half, an unnamed passenger grabs ahold of something that appears to be made out of foam. (See how it bends inward?) 什么?绞盘根本就不是金属做的!在电影的结尾,当船开始断裂为两半的时候,一个不知名的乘客所抓握的是一些用塑料泡沫做成的东西。(看到它是怎么向内弯曲的吗?)
At first glance, this shot appears to be a normal panoramic view of the ship. However, if you look closely, you can see that one of the female passenger's hats is way smaller than its shadow would indicate。 看第一眼,这个镜头就是一张正常的船的全景图。然而,如果你近距离观察,就可以发现其中一个女乘客的帽子比她影子中所呈现的要小得多。
When the ship starts sinking, you can see a fixed object toward the front of the deck. However, in another frame, the piece has somehow disappeared。 当船开始下沉的时候,你可以看到在甲板的前方有一个固定的物体。然而,在另一个画面中,这个物体就莫名其妙的消失了。
Which Leo hairstyle do you prefer? His just-got-out-of-bed messy look or the slick back? If you can't decide, don't feel bad: Apparently, James Cameron couldn't either when filming this steerage party scene。 你更喜欢Leo的哪个发型呢?他那个像刚起床之后的凌乱发型还是光滑向后的呢?如果你不能做出决定,不要难过:显然,詹姆斯卡梅隆在拍摄统舱派对的镜头时也没能做出决定。
Let's return once again to the Leo handcuff scene. This time around, Jack's suspenders magically appear then disappear, despite the fact that his hands are still secured to the pipe。 让我们再次回到Leo被囚禁的镜头。在这段时间中,Jack的吊带像变魔术一样的出现又消失,即使他的手仍然被管道束缚着。
No matter how much time a filmmaker spends in post-production, sometimes cameras will make their way into the shot. Like here, where one is seen reflecting off a glass door。 不管摄像师花费多少时间在后期制作上,有时候摄影机还是会把他们摄入镜头中。就像这个,通过玻璃门的反光,你可以看到一个人。
Nowhere in this famous "King of the World" scene did a construction worker step out next to Jack and Rose and make the gap between the bars close. Yet, it still ended up happening。 在这个著名的堪称“世界之最”的镜头中,没有一个建筑工人出现在Jack和Rose的面前去把两个栏杆之间的距离加近。然而,它最终还是发生了。
When Rose sets her sights on the ship for the first time, the mole on her face is on the left side. Later in the film, it has moved to the right。 当Rose第一次出现在船上的时候,她的痣是在左边的。然而在后面的电影镜头中,痣转移到右边去了。
Wow, this "jailbreak" scene is full of mistakes. Before Rose cuts Jack loose, she breaks through the glass to get the axe. However, a second later, most of the glass has reappeared。 哇,这个“越狱”的镜头真是漏洞百出啊。在Rose解救Jack之前,她把玻璃砸碎拿到了斧头。然而,几秒之后,这些玻璃又回来了。