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1. If all you have to say in your e-mail reply is "Thanks!"refrain from sending it. You're just clogging an inbox.
1. 如果你只是想在电子邮件里回复“谢谢”,那么不要发送它。这只会让对方的收件箱更加拥挤。
2. Don't use cell phones in a waiting room, checkout line, restaurant, train, or bathroom stall.
2. 不要在等候室、结账处、餐馆、火车站或盥洗室的隔间里使用手机。
3. When talking to someone in person, don't glance down at your cell phone to see who's trying to reach you.
3. 和他人面对面交谈时,不要低下头来查看手机看是否有人找你。
4. When instant-messaging, always ask if now is a good time to chat.
4. 和别人进行即时通讯时,一定要问一下现在是否是交谈的好时机。
5. It's OK to piggyback on a neighbor's free Wi-Fi as long as you don't hog it and do realize it's not secure.
5. 用一下邻居的免费无线连接也未尝不可,只要你不经常用并知道那样并不安全。
6. Things not to do when e-mailing: shout in all caps, use colored fonts or clip-art emoticons, attach large files, forward an e-mail inappropriate.
6. 发电子邮件时不要做的几件事情:全部用大写字母;使用彩色的字体或剪贴画表情符号;把较大文件作为附件;转发不恰当的电子邮件。
7. You can e-mail thank-you for party invitations and birthday gifts given in person as long as you send each of them separately. For mailed gifts, letters of recommendation, and wedding presents, a written note is still preferable.
7. 如果收到聚会的邀请或生日礼物,你应该分别向他们发送“谢谢”的电子邮件。如果收到了寄来的礼品、推荐信和婚礼礼物,书面形式的感谢仍然是可取的。
8. Work e-mails can be sent anytime, but business texts should be restricted to one hour before the start of the workday to two hours after it ends, according to The Modern Gentleman.
9. If you still own an answering machine, make sure the outgoing message isn't annoying or twee.
9. 如果你仍旧在用答录机,确保留言信息不要惹人烦或过于花哨。