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[英语] NCE2 Lesson 54 Sticky fingers

发表于 2012-5-23 17:03:47 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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Lesson 54   Sticky fingers
【New words and expressions】   
sticky           adj. 粘的
finger           n. 手指
pie              n. 馅饼
mix              v. 混合,拌和
pastry           n. 面糊
annoying         adj. 恼人的
receiver         n. 电话的话筒
dismay           v. 失望,泄气
recognize        v. 认出,听出
persuade         v. 说服,劝说
mess             n. 乱七八糟
doorknob         n. 门把手
sign             v. 签字
register         v. 挂号邮寄
★sticky    adj. 粘的
as sticky as glue   和胶水一样粘
★finger      n. 手指
thumb  大拇指;index finger  食指;middle finger  中指;
ring finger  无名指;little finger  小指
toe [tEu]     n. 脚趾
★mix      v. 混合, 拌和
① vt. 使混和,拌和
I was busy mixing butter and flour.
You can mix some salt into the flour.
② vi. 交往,相处
I’m not going to mix with those people.     我不打算和那些人来往。
Mary doesn’t mix much.     玛丽不太和人交往。
mixture     n. 混合物
★annoying     adj. 恼人的
It is annoying.
annoyed      adj. 感到烦恼的(比anger的语气弱)
★dismay      v. 失望, 泄气
dismay sb.   让某人感到失望
dismaying   adj. 令人失望;dismayed    adj. 感到失望
★recognize     v. 认出,听出
① vt. 辨出,认出,认识
I recognized the voice of Helen Bates.
② vt. 承认,确认,认可
It is recognized that Jane is the most intelligent girl among us.
He recognized Dan as one of his best friends.
★persuade    v. 说服, 劝说
persuade   表示劝说已经成功
try to persuade     劝说
reason with sb.     劝说,并不能说明是否劝说成功
★mess    n. 乱七八糟
口语中a mess用来指“困境,窘境,一团糟”等含义
What a mess!    真是糟糕透了!
You are a mess!   你真邋遢
The man/woman is a mess.
make a mess of sth.       把……搅得乱七八糟
He made a mess of my job.    他把我的工作搅得一团糟
Make some jam if you want to, but don’t make a mess in the kitchen.
★sign    v. 签字
sign your name(s) here      在这签名 (许多人加 “s” )
sign for   签收
signature [5si^nitFE]    n. 签名
I need your signature.   我需要你的签名
autograph [5C:tE^rB:f]    n. 明星, 名人的签名 (n. 亲笔签名;v. 签署)
★register    v. 挂号邮寄
a registered letter   挂号信
After breakfast, I sent the children to school and then I went to the shops. It was still early when I returned home. The children were at school, my husband was at work and the house was quiet. So I decided to make some meat pies. In a short time I was busy mixing butter and flour and my hands were soon covered with sticky pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Nothing could have been more annoying. I picked up the receiver between two sticky fingers and was dismayed when I recognized the voice of Helen Bates. It took me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I hung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the doorknobs. I had no sooner got back to the kitchen than the doorbell rang loud enough to wake the dead. This time it was the postman and he wanted me to sign for a registered letter!
早饭后, 我送孩子们上学, 然后就去了商店. 我回到家时, 时间还早. 孩子们在上学, 我丈夫在上班, 家里清静得很. 于是我决定做些肉馅饼. 不一会儿我就忙着调拌起了黄油和面粉, 很快我的手上就沾满了粘粘的面糊. 恰恰在此时, 电话铃响了. 没有什么能比这更烦人了. 我用两个沾满面糊的手指捏起了话筒. 当我听出是海伦·贝茨的声音时, 非常丧气. 我用了10分钟的时间才说服她过会儿再来电话. 我终于挂上了话筒. 真是糟糕透了!我的手指上、电话机上以及门的把手上, 都沾上了面糊. 我刚回到厨房, 门铃又响了起来, 响声足以把死人唤醒. 这次是邮递员, 他要我签收一封挂号信!
1、The children were at school, my husband was at work and the house was quiet.
at school  在上学;at work   在上班;at home  在家休息
2、In a short time I was busy mixing butter and flour and my hands were soon covered with sticky pastry.
be busy doing sth.      忙于做某事
flour面粉, 不可数名词, 注意发音于 “flower [5flauE]” 相同, 但 “flower” 是可数名词, 一般会用复数 “flowers”
be covered with…       盖满……
3、At exactly that moment, the telephone rang.
at exactly that moment      就在那时,恰恰在此时
  That’s exactly what I wanted to tell you.
4、Nothing could have been more annoying.
No one could be/have been…       没有人……
No one could be /have been fatter.   没有人更胖了
Nothing could have been…        没有……更……
Nothing could have been cheaper.      没有什么东西更便宜了
Nothing could have been more exciting.      没有什么事情更令人激动
No face could be uglier.     没有一张脸更丑了 (ugly [5Q^li])
No books could be more interesting.      没有书更有趣了
5、I picked up the receiver between two sticky fingers and was dismayed when I recognized the voice of Helen Bates.
pick up the receiver     捡起话筒
6、It took me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later.
persuade sb. to do sth.      说服某人做某事
  I persuaded him to give up that plan.
persuade sb. into doing sth.     说服某人做……
  I persuaded him into giving up that plan.
It takes sb. some time to do sth.     花费某人多久做某事(“it” 作形式主语)
ring back     回电话;再打电话
  Ten minutes later, the bus arrived.
  Please come back later (on).
7、At last I hung up the receiver.
hang up     挂起
hang up the receiver    挂断电话
8、I had no sooner got back to the kitchen than the doorbell rang loud enough to wake the dead.
no sooner…than… = hardly…when…    刚……就……(用于过去完成时)
★enough    n.& adj.& adv. 足够
① n. 足够
I have/had had enough.   我已经拥有足够了。
② adj. 足够的
enough +n. / n. +enough     修饰名词
I have enough time/time enough.
③ adv. 足以……
enough to do sth.      足以用来做某事
He is rich enough to buy the whole city.   他富有的可以买下整个城市
The water in the pool is warm enough (to swim in).
I am hungry enough to eat sth.
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发表于 2012-5-24 09:44:45 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-5-24 09:44:45 | 只看该作者
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