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[资料库] 人教PEP小学毕业英语试卷(1)

发表于 2012-8-15 11:36:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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  姓名 班级 分数
  一、Listen and choose.听录音,选出与录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里。(10分)
  ( ) 1. A. watch B. wash C. What
  ( ) 2. A. see B. sing C. thank
  ( ) 3. A. toothpaste B. next week C. headache
  ( ) 4. A. park B. shark C. short
  ( ) 5. A. On Feb. 2nd B. On Feb. 20th C. On Feb. 12th
  ( ) 6. A. last weekend B. this weekend C. next weekend
  ( ) 7. A. wash clothes B. clean the room C. watch TV
  ( ) 8. A. How heavy are you? B. How long are your arms?
  C. How heavy are your arms?
  ( ) 9. A. Did you play football last weekend?
  B. Did you play basketball last weekend?
  C. Did you play the violin last weekend?
  ( )10. A. I am going to play football. B. I am going to play basketball.
  C. I am going to play the piano
  二、Listen and judge.听录音,判断句子或图片是否与录音内容相符,相符的括号内打“ √”,不相符的打“ ×”。(10分)
  1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
  ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
  6. The cinema is not far from our school. ( )
  7. He is younger than his brother. ( )
  8. The tiger is running. ( )
  9. Amy ate good food in the kitchen. ( )
  10. We are going to the zoo next weekend. ( )
  三、Listen and answer.根据你在录音中听到的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适的答案选出,并将其字母符号填在句前的括号里。(10分)
  ( ) 1. A. Yes, we did. B. No, we did. C. No, we don’t.
  ( ) 2. A. She has a cold. B. I had a fever. C. He hurts his leg.
  ( ) 3. A. He likes swimming. B. She likes swimming. C. I like swimming.
  ( ) 4. A. Today is sunny. B. Today is happy. C. Today is Sunday.
  ( ) 5. A. Tomorrow. B. Next week. C. Last weekend.
  四、Listen and finish the sentences. 根据录音内容填写下列句子中所缺的单词,使句子完整,每空只填一词。(5分)
  1. He is my classmate. He is _________ and ______________.
  2. I went to the ___________ with my friend yesterday.
  3. Jack’s legs are ________ than Mike’s.
  4. I am going to ________ the room on the weekend.
  5. Sarah usually_________________ clothes after dinner.
  五、Listen and choose. 听读短文,根据短文给下面的问题选择正确的答案。(10分)
  ( ) 1. How old is Sarah?
  A. Fifteen. B. Twelve. C. Ten.
  ( ) 2.How many people are there in Sarah’s family?
  A. Four. B. Five. C. Six.
  ( ) 3. How many girls are there in Sarah’s family?
  A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.
  ( ) 4. What does Sarah’s mother do?
  A. She’s a housewife. B. She’s a teacher. C. She’s a nurse.
  ( ) 5. Is Sarah’s father an engineer?
  A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn’t. C. Yes, he does.
  六、Read and choose. 选择合适的句子,将对话补充完整,将字母编号填在横线上。(10分)
  A. How can I get there? B Happy birthday! C. I would.
  D. I like. E.When is the party?
  F.What’s the date today? G. Where do you live?
  A: _______________________________________
  B:It’s Feb. 10th . Oh, it’s my birthday.
  A: _____________________________.
  B:Thank you. We are going to have a birthday party at my home. Would you like to come?
  A: Yes, ___________________. ______________________?
  B: I live in Xiajiu Garden.
  A: ____________________________?
  B:You may go by the No.6 bus or the No. 109 bus. Get off at the pet shop. Then call me, I’ll meet you there.
  七、Read and choose. 阅读两篇短文,根据要求完成问题。(15分)
  (A )
  Mr/ Brown is an Englishman. He lives in London. He’s strong. He’s 190 cm tall. He has two daughters, Ann and Alice. They are twins. He likes collecting model cars. He works in a car company. So he likes making cars, too. Today is Mr. Brown’s 50th birthday. Mrs. Brown is making a birthday cake for him. The cake looks like a little car. Mr. Brown must like it very much.
  ( ) 1.Where is Mr. Brown from?
  A. He’s from China. B. He is from America. C. He is from England.
  ( ) 2. How tall is Mr. Brown?
  A. 190 m. B. 190 cm. C. 109 cm.
  ( ) 3.Does Ann have a sister?
  A.Yes, she does. B. No , she does. C. No, she doesn’t.
  ( ) 4. What is Mr. Brown’s hobby?
  A. He likes making cakes. B. He likes making cars.
  ( ) 5. What is Mrs. Brown’s present for Mr. Brown?
  A. A car. B. A model car. C. A cakes looks like a car. (B)
  Our country is very big. The weather in the north is different from the south. The weather in the east is different from the west. In Heilongjiang, it’s very cold in winter. In Hainan, it’s warm in winter. We have many rainy days in the east of our country. But, it seldom(少的)rains in the west of our country.
  If you want to take a trip, you must pay attention to(注意) the weather report.
  根据短文内容,判断对错,正确的打“√” ,不正确的打“×”。(5分)
  ( ) 1. The weather in the north and the south are different.
  ( ) 2. It’s cold in Heilongjiang in winter.
  ( ) 3.In winter, Hainan is very cold, too.
  ( ) 4.It often rains in the west of our country.
  ( ) 5. You can wear your T-shirt in winter in Heilongjiang.
  八、Read and choose. 选择合适的词填空, 使短文的内容完整。每词只能用一次。(10分)
  (then, went, to, funny, flew, with, rainy, windy, by, later, swam, into.)
  Today was a fun day. I ________ to Mike’s home in the morning. I studied English ______ him. We read _______ tongue twisters together.
  _______ I went ot the park _______ bike. I _______ kites. It was a _______ day. Suddenly my kite flew ________ the lake.
  A dog saw the kite. He jumped into the lake and ________ to it. Five minutes ______, he returned the kite to me. I was very grateful to him.
  九、Ask and answer. 看图,根据答句写问句。(10分)
  1. A: ________________________________________?
  B: It is next to the cinema.
  2. A: __________________________________________?
  B: My sister is a dancer..
  3. A: __________________________________________?
  B: Mike goes to school by bike.
  4. A: ___________________________________________?
  : My brother is 130 cm tall.
  5. A: ____________________________________________?
  B: Yes, Mike is shorter.
  十、写信:Zhang Peng刚从四川度假回来,他坐飞机来回,他在四川去了动物园看熊猫,照了许多相片,还买了礼物给Mike。请帮Zhang Peng写一封信告诉Mike,他在假期的生活。不少于五句话。(10分)
  Dear Mike,
  I went to Si Chuan in my holiday. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  Zhang Peng
  Listening. (听力部分)
  一、Listen and choose.听录音,选出与录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里。(10分)
  2. Can you sing songs?
  3.He had a headache last Sunday.
  4.Let’s go to the park.
  5. Her birthday is on Feb. 12th.
  6. I am going to Shanghai this weekend.
  7. Clean the room, please.
  8. How long are your arms?
  9. Did you play football last weekend?
  10. I am going to play te piano.
  二、 Listen and judge.听录音,判断句子或图片是否与录音内容相符,相符的括号内打“ √”,不相符的打“ ×”。(10分)
  1. My Dad is an English teacher.
  2. There is a lake and a river in the nature park.
  3. Amy has a cake for her 9th birthday.
  4.Chen Jie can cook meals. She is very helpful.
  5.Please turn left here.
  6.Excuse me, is the cinema near our school? Yes, it is.
  7.John is 43 kg. His brother is 46 kg.
  8. What is the tiger doing? It is catching the rabbit. It runs very fast.
  9.Amy only ate some rice in the kitchen. She doesn’t like it at all.
  10. Are we going to the zoo this weekend? No, it is going to rain. We will going there next weekend.
  三、Listen and answer.根据你在录音中听到的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适的答案选出,并将其字母符号填在句前的括号里。(10分)
  1. Did you go shopping yesterday?
  2. What’s the matter with him?
  3. What’s your brother’s hobby?
  4. What day is it today?
  5. When did you go to the park?
  四、Listen and finish the sentences. 根据录音内容填写下列句子中所缺的单词,使句子完整,每空只填一词。(5分)
  1.He is my classmate. He is tall and strong.
  2. I went to the bank with my father yesterday.
  3. Jack’s legs are shorter than Mike’s.
  4. I am going to have a Chinese class tomorrow.
  5. Sarah usually washes clothes after dinner.
  五、Listen and choose. 听读短文,根据短文给下面的问题选择正确的答案。(10分)
  Sarah is fifteen years old. She has a big family. She has three other sisters, Betty, Alice and Samy. Betty is 14 years old. Alice is 13 years old, and her younger sister is 7 years old. Sarah’s mother is a nurse. Her father ia a doctor.
  一、1.B.2.B. 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.B 8.B 9.A 10. C
  二、1.× 2.√ 3. ×4. √ 5. × 6. √ 7. × 8. √9. × 10. √
  三、1. A. 2. C 3. A 4. C. 5. C
  四、1. strong 2. bank 3. shorter 4. Chinese 5. washes
  五、1. A 2. C 3. B. 4. C 5. B
  六、E B C G A
  七、C B A B C √√×××
  八、went with funny Then by flew windy into
  swam later
  九、1.Where is the post office?
  2.What does your sister do?
  3.How does Mike go to school?
  4.How tall is your brother?
  5.Is Mike shorter?
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