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济南中院宣布判决(announce the verdict),对薄熙来执行无期徒刑(life imprisonment),剥夺政治权利终身(be deprived of political rights for life),并处没收个人全部财产(his personal assets were also confiscated)。这是对其受贿罪(bribery)、贪污罪(embezzlement)、滥用职权罪(abuse of power)数罪并罚(joinder of punishment for plural crimes)的结果。
cross-examination 交互讯问
plaintiff 原告
defendant 被告
court-appointed attorney 法庭指定律师
counter claim 反诉、反要求、反索赔
contempt of court 藐视法庭
default judgment 缺席审判
appeal 上诉
jury 陪审团
verdict, judgment 判决
deposition 供述
objection over ruled 反对无效
objection sustained 反对有效
civil lawsuit 民事诉讼
criminal proceedings 刑事诉讼
alibi 不在现场证明