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[英语] 2001年1月六级真题

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Part I                                ListeningComprehension                      (20minutes)Section A
Directions: In this section, you willhear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question willbe asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will bespoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause,you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which isthe best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with asingle line through the center.
Example:    You will hear:
                  You will read:
A) 2 hours.
B) 3 hours.
C) 4 hours.
D) 5 hours.
From the conversation we know that thetwo were talking about some work they will start at 9 o’clock in the morningand have to finish at 2 in theafternoon. Therefore, D) “5 hours” is the correct answer. You should choose [D]on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the center.
Sample Answer [A][B] [C] [D]
1.   A) The woman never travels by plane.
      B) Both speakers feel nervous when flying.
      C) The man thinks travelling by air isquite safe.
      D) The speakers feel sad about the seriousloss of life.
2.   A) In an office.
      B) In a restaurant.
      C) At a railway station.
      D) At the information desk.
3.   A) Fix the shelf.
      B) Paint the shelf.
      C) Write the letter.
      D) Look for the pen.
4.   A) It is run by Mrs. Winter’s husband.
      B) It hires Mrs. Winter as an adviser.
      C) It gives a 30% discount to allcustomers.
      D) It encourages husbands to shop on theirown.
5.   A) Too tight a hat.
      B) Lack of sleep.
      C) Long working hours.
      D) Long exposure to the sun.
6.   A) He doesn’t like the way Americans speak.
      B) He speaks English as if he were anative speaker.
      C) His English is still poor after tenyears in America.
      D) He doesn’t mind speaking English with anaccent.
7.   A) An electrician.
      B) A carpenter.
      C) An auto mechanic.
      D) A telephone repairman.
8.   A) They both enjoyed watching the game.
      B) They both felt good about the resultsof the game.
      C) People were surprised at their winningthe game.
      D) The man thought the results were beyondtheir expectations.
9.   A) Salesman and customer.
      B) Manager and employee.
      C) Professor and student.
      D) Guide and tourist.
10.  A) Tom will keep the surprise party a secret.
      B) Tom didn’t make any promise to Lucy.
      C) Tom has arranged a surprise party forLucy.
      D) Tom and Lucy have no secrets from eachother.
Section B
Directions: In this section, you will hear a passagethree times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listencarefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time,you are required to fill in the blanks numbered form S1 to S7 with the exactwords you have just heard: For blanks numbered from S8 to S10 you are requiredto fill in the missing information. You can either use the exact words you havejust heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when thepassage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.
Compound Dictation
        The human body is a remarkable foodprocessor. As an adult, you may consumer (S1) ___________ a ton of food peryear and still not gain or lose a pound of body weight. You are (S2)______________ harnessing and consuming energy through the intricate (S3)______________ of your body in order to remain in energy balance. to (S4)________________ a given body weight, your energy input must balance yourenergy output. However, sometimes the (S5) _____________ energy balance isupset, and your (S6) ___________________ body weight will either fall or (S7) ______________.
        The term body image refers to the mentalimage we have of our won physical appearance, and (S8)_______________________________________________________
Research hasrevealed that about 40 percent of adult men and 55 percent of adult women aredissatisfied with their current body weight (S9) _______________________________
At the collegelevel, a study found that 85 percent of both male and female first-yearstudents desired to change their body weight. (S10)______________________________
Thinness iscurrently an attribute that females desire highly. Males generally desiremuscularity. The vast majority of individuals who want to change their bodyweight do it for the sake of appearance; most want to lose excess body fatwhile a smaller percentage of individuals actually want to gain weight.
Part II                               Reading Comprehension                        (35 minutes)
Direction:      There are 4 passages in this part. Eachpassage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each ofthem there are four choices marked A), B) C) and D). You should decide on thebest choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a singleline through the center.
Passage One
Questions 11 to 15 are based on thefollowing passage:
      Birds that are literally half-asleep—withone brain hemisphere alert and the other sleeping—control which side of thebrain remains awake, according to a new study of sleeping ducks.
      Earlier studies have documented half-brainsleep in a wide range of birds. The brain hemispheres take turns sinking intothe sleep stage characterized by slow brain waves. The eye controlled by thesleeping hemisphere keeps shut, while the wakeful hemisphere’s eye stays openand alert. Birds also can sleep with both hemispheres resting at once.
      Earlier studies have documented half-brainsleep in a wide range of birds. The brain hemispheres take turns sinking intothe sleep stage characterized by slow brain waves. The eye controlled by thesleeping hemisphere keeps shut, while the wakeful hemisphere’s eye stays openand alert. Birds also can sleep with both hemispheres resting at once.
      Decades of studies of bird flocks ledresearchers to predict extra alertness in the more vulnerable, end-of-the-rowsleepers, Sure enough, the end birds tended to watch carefully on the side awayfrom their companions. Ducks in the inner spots showed no preference for gazedirection.
      Also, birds dozing(打盹)at the end of the line resorted to single-hemisphere sleep, ratherthan total relaxation, more often than inner ducks did. Rotating 16 birdsthrough the positions in a four-duck row, the researchers found outer birdshalf-asleep during some 32 percent of dozing time versus about 12 percent forbirds in internal spots.
      “We believe this is the first evidence foran animal behaviorally controlling sleep and wakefulness simultaneously indifferent regions of the brain,” the researchers say.
      The results provide the best evidence fora long-standing supposition that single-hemisphere sleep evolved as creaturesscanned for enemies. The preference for opening an eye on the lookout sidecould be widespread, he predicts. He’s seen it in a pair of birds dozingside-by-side in the zoo and in a single pet bird sleeping by mirror. The mirror-sideeye closed as if the reflection were a companion and the other eye stayed open.
      Useful as half-sleeping might be, it’sonly been found in birds and such water mammals(哺乳动物)as dolphins, whales, andseals. Perhaps keeping one side of the brain awake allows a sleeping animal tosurface occasionally to avoid drowning.
      Studies of birds may offer unique insightsinto sleep. Jerome M. Siegel of the UGLA says he wonders if birds’ half-brainsleep “is just the tip of the iceberg(冰山)”. He speculates that more examples may turn up when we take acloser look at other species.
11.  A new study on birds’ sleep has revealed that____________.
       A)birds can control their half-brain sleep consciously
       B)birds seldom sleep with the whole of their brain at rest
       C)half-brain sleep is found in a wide variety of birds
       D)half-brain sleep is characterized by slow brain waves
12.   Accordingto the passage, birds often half sleep because ______________.
       A)they have to constantly keep an eye on their companions
       B)the two halves of their brain are differently structured
       C)they have to watch out for possible attacks
       D)their brain hemisphere take turns to rest
13.   Theexample of a bird sleeping in front of a mirror indicates that _____________.
       A)birds prefer to sleep in pairs for the sake of security
       B)the phenomenon of birds dozing in pairs is widespread
       C)a single pet bird enjoys seeing its own reflection in the mirror
       D)even an imagined companion gives the bird a sense of security
14.   While sleeping, somewater mammals tend to keep half awake in order to __________.
       A)avoid being swept away by rapid currents
       B)emerge from water now and then to breathe
       C)alert themselves to the approaching enemy
       D)be sensitive to the ever-changing environment
15.   By“just the tip of the iceberg” (Line 2, Para.8), Siegel suggests that____________.
       A)half-brain sleep is a phenomenon that could exist among other species
       B)most birds living in cold regions tend to be half sleepers
       C)the mystery of half-brain sleep is close to being solved
       D)half-brain sleep has something to do with icy weather
Passage Two
Questions 16 to 20 are based on thefollowing passage:
      A nine-year-old schoolgirl single-handedlycooks up a science-fair experiment that ends up debunking(揭穿...的真相)a widely practiced medical treatment. Emily Rosa’s target was apractice known as therapeutic(治疗)touch (TT for short), whose advocates manipulate patients’ “energyfield” to make them feel better and even, say some, to cure them of variousills. Yet Emily’s test shows that these energy fields can’t be detected, evenby trained TT practitioners(行医者). Obviously mindful of the publicity value of the situation, Journal editor George Lundberg appearedon TV to declare, “Age doesn’t matter. It’s good science that matters, and thisis good science.”
      Emily’s mother Linda Rosa, a registerednurse, has been campaigning against TT for nearly a decade. Linda first thoughtabout TT in the late ’80s, when she learned it was on the approved list forcontinuing nursing education in Colorado.Its 100,000 trained practitioners (48,000 in the U.S.)don’t even touch their patients. Instead, they waved their hands a few inchesfrom the patient’s body, pushing energy fields around until they’re in“balance.” TT advocates say these manipulations can help heal wounds, relievepain and reduce fever. The claims are taken seriously enough that TT therapistsare frequently hired by leading hospitals, at up to $70 an hour, the smoothpatients’ energy, sometimes during surgery.
      Yet Rosacould not find any evidence that it works. To provide such proof, TT therapistswould have to sit down for independent testing—something they haven’t beeneager to do, even though James Randi has offered more than $1 million to anyonewho can demonstrate the existence of a human energy field. (He’s had one takerso far. She failed.) A skeptic might conclude that TT practitioners are afraidto lay their beliefs on the line. But who could turn down an innocentfourth-grader? Says Emily: “I think they didn’t take me very seriously becauseI’m a kid.”
      The experiment was straightforward: 21 TTtherapists stuck their hands, palms up, through a screen. Emily held her ownhand over one of theirs—left or right—and the practitioners had to say whichhand it was. When the results were recorded, they’d done no better than theywould have by simply guessing. if there was an energy field, they couldn’t feelit.
16.   Whichof the following is evidence that TT is widely practiced?
       A)TT has been in existence for decades.
       B)Many patients were cured by therapeutic touch.
       C)TT therapists are often employed by leading hospitals.
       D)More than 100,000 people are undergoing TT treatment.
17.   Veryfew TT practitioners responded to the $1 million offer because ____________.
       A)they didn’t take the offer seriously
       B)they didn’t want to risk their career
       C)they were unwilling to reveal their secret
       D)they thought it was not in line with their practice
18.   Thepurpose of Emily Rosa’s experiment was ____________.
       A)to see why TT could work the way it did
       B)to find out how TT cured patient’s illness
       C)to test whether she could sense the human energy field
       D)to test whether a human energy field really existed
19.   Whydid some TT practitioners agree to be the subjects of Emily’s experiment?
       A)It involved nothing more than mere guessing.
       B)They thought it was going to be a lot of fun.
       C)It was more straightforward than other experiments.
       D)They sensed no harm in a little girl’s experiment.
20.   Whatcan we learn from the passage?
       A)Some widely accepted beliefs can be deceiving.
       B)Solid evidence weighs more than pure theories.
       C)Little children can be as clever as trained TT practitioners.
       D)The principle of TT is too profound to understand.
Passage Three
Questions 31 to 35 are based on thefollowing passage:
      What might driving on an automated highwaybe like? The answer depends on what kind of system is ultimately adopted. Twodistinct types are on the drawing board. The first is a special—purpose lanesystem, in which certain lanes are reserved for automated vehicles. The secondis a mixed traffic system: fully automated vehicles would share the road withpartially automated or manually driven cars. A special-purpose land systemwould require more extensive physical modifications to existing highways, butit promises the greatest gains in freeway(高速公路)capacity.
      Under either scheme, the driver wouldspecify the desired destination, furnishing this information to a computer inthe car at the beginning of the trip or perhaps just before reaching theautomated highway. If a mixed traffic system was in place, automated drivingcould begin whenever the driver was on suitably equipped roads. Ifspecial-purpose lanes were available, the car could enter them and joinexisting traffic in two different ways. One method would use a special onramp(入口引道). As the driver approached the point of entry for the highway,devices installed on the roadside would electronically check the vehicle todetermine its destination and to ascertain that it had the proper automationequipment in good working order. Assuming it passed such tests, the driverwould then be guided through a gate and toward an automated lane. In this case,the transition from manual to automated control would take place on theentrance ramp. An alternative technique could employ conventional lanes, whichwould be shared by automated and regular vehicles. The driver would steer ontothe highway and move in normal fashion to a “transition” lane. The vehiclewould then shift under computer control onto a lane reserved for automatedtraffic. (The limitation of these lanes to automated traffic would, presumably,be well respected, because all trespassers(非法进入者)could be swiftly identifiedby authorities.)
      Either approach to joining, a lane ofautomated traffic would harmonize the movement of newly entering vehicles withthose already traveling. Automatic control here should allow for smoothmerging, without the usual uncertainties and potential for accidents. and oncea vehicle had settled into automated travel, the drive would be free to releasethe wheel, open the morning paper or just relax.
21.   We learn from the firstparagraph that two systems of automated highways __________.
       A)are being planned
       B)are being modified
       C)are now in wide use
       D)are under construction
22.   Aspecial-purpose lane system is probably advantageous in that ________________.
       A)it would require only minor changes to existing highways
       B)it would achieve the greatest highway traffic efficiency
       C)it has a lane for both automated and partially automated vehicles
       D)it offers more lanes for automated vehicles
23.   Whichof the following is true about driving on an automated highway?
A) Vehiclestraveling on it are assigned different lanes according to their destinations.
       B)A car can join existing traffic any time in a mixed lane system.
C) The drivershould inform his car computer of his destination before driving onto it.
       D)The driver should share the automated lane with those of regular vehicles.
24.   We know form the passagethat a car can enter a special-purpose lane __________.
       A)by smoothly merging with cars on the conventional lane
       B)by way of a ramp with electronic control devices
       C)through a specially guarded gate
       D)after all trespassers are identified and removed
25.   Whendriving in an automated lane, the driver ___________.
       A)should harmonize with newly entering cars
       B)doesn’t have to rely on his computer system
       C)should watch out for potential accidents
       D)doesn’t have to hold not to the steering wheel
Passage Four
Questions 26 to 30 are based on thefollowing passage:
      Taking charge of yourself involves puttingto rest some very prevalent myths. At the top of the list is the notion thatintelligence is measured by your ability to solve complex problems; to read,write and compute at certain levels, and to resolve abstract equations quickly.This vision of intelligence asserts formal education and bookish excellence asthe true measures of self-fulfillment. It encourages a kind of intellectualprejudice that has brought with it some discouraging results. We have come tobelieve that someone who has more educational merit badges, who is very good atsome form of school discipline is “intelligent.” Yet mental hospitals arefilled with patients who have all of the properly lettered certificates. Atruer indicator of intelligence is an effective, happy life lived each day andeach present moment of every day.
      If you are happy, if you live each momentfor everything it’s worth, then you are an intelligent person. Problem solvingis a useful help to your happiness, but if you know that given your inabilityto resolve a particular concern you can still choose happiness for yourself, orat a minimum refuse to choose unhappiness, then you are intelligent. You areintelligent because you have the ultimate weapon against the big N. B.D—Nervous Break Down.
      “Intelligent” people do not have N. B.D.’s because they are in charge of themselves. They know how to choosehappiness over depression, because they know how to deal with the problems oftheir lives. You can begin to think of yourself as truly intelligent on thebasis of how you choose to feel in the face of trying circumstances. The lifestruggles are pretty much the same for each of us. Everyone who is involvedwith other human beings in any social context has similar difficulties.Disagreements, conflicts and compromises are a part of what it means to behuman. Similarly, money, growing old, sickness, deaths, natural disasters andaccidents are all events which present problems to virtually all human beings.But some people are able to make it, to avoid immobilizing depression andunhappiness despite such occurrences, while others collapse or have an N. B. D.Those who recognize problems as a human condition and don’t measure happinessby an absence of problems are the most intelligent kind of humans we know;also, the most rare.
26.   According to the author,the conventional notion of intelligence measured in terms of one’s ability toread, write and compute _____________.
       A)is a widely held but wrong concept
       B)will help eliminate intellectual prejudice
       C)is the root of all mental distress
       D)will contribute to one’s self-fulfillment
27.   Itis implied in the passage that holding a university degree _____________.
       A)may result in one’s inability to solve complex real-life problems
       B)does not indicate one’s ability to write properly worded documents
       C)may make one mentally sick and physically weak
       D)does not mean that one is highly intelligent
28.   Theauthor thinks that an intelligent person knows _____________.
       A)how to put up with some very prevalent myths
       B)how to find the best way to achieve success in life
       C)how to avoid depression and make his life worthwhile
       D)how to persuade others to compromise
29.   Inthe last paragraph, the author tells us that _____________.
       A)difficulties are but part of everyone’s life
       B)depression and unhappiness are unavoidable in life
       C)everybody should learn to avoid trying circumstances
       D)good feelings can contribute to eventual academic excellence
30.   Accordingto the passage, what kind of people are rare?
       A)Those who don’t emphasize bookish excellence in their pursuit of happiness.
       B)Those who are aware of difficulties in life but know how to avoid unhappiness.
C) Those whomeasure happiness by an absence of problems but seldom suffer form N. B. D.’s.
D) Those who areable to secure happiness though having to struggle against tryingcircumstances.
Part III                             Vocabularyand Structure                      (20minutes)
Directions:  There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence thereare four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completesthe sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with asingle line through the center.
31.  Startingwith the ______________ that there is life on the planet Mars, the scientistwent on to develop his argument.
      A) premise                                               B)pretext
      C) foundation                                           D) presentation
32.  After several nuclear disasters, a __________has raged over the safety of nuclear energy.
      A) quarrel                                                B)suspicion
      C) verdict                                                 D)controversy
33.  Their diplomatic principles completely laidbare their ____________ for world conquest.
      A) admiration                                           B) ambition
      C) administration                                      D) orientation
34.  The director gave me his ___________ that hewould double my pay if I did my job well.
      A) warrant                                                B)obligation
      C) assurance                                             D) certainty
35.  TheChristmas tree was decorated with shining _____________ such as colored lightsand glass balls.
      A) ornaments                                            B) luxuries
      C) exhibits                                                D) complements
36.  The two most important ______________ inmaking a cake are flour and sugar.
      A) elements                                              B) components
      C) ingredients                                           D) constituents
37.  Cultural_______________ indicates that human beings hand their languages down form onegeneration to another.
      A) translation                                            B) transition
      C) transmission                                         D) transaction
38.  We must look beyond ___________ andassumptions and try to discover what is missing.
      A) justifications                                        B) illusions
      C) manifestations                                      D) specifications
39.  No one imagined that the apparently_____________ businessman was really a criminal.
      A) respective                                            B) respectable
      C) respectful                                             D) realistic
40.  Ifnothing is done to protect the environment, millions of species that are alivetoday will have become _______________.
      A) deteriorated                                          B) degenerated
      C) suppressed                                            D) extinct
41.  The_________of the scientific attitude is that the human mind can succeed inunderstanding the universe.
      A) essence                                                B)content
      C) texture                                                 D)threshold
42.  Theold lady has developed a ______________ cough which cannot be cured completelyin a short time.
      A) perpetual                                             B) permanent
      C) chronic                                                D)sustained
43.  Whatthe correspondent sent us is an _____________ news report. We can depend on it.
      A) evident                                                B)authentic
      C) ultimate                                               D) immediate
44.  Havinghad her as a professor and adviser, I can tell you that she is an __________force who pushes her students to excel far beyond their own expectations.
      A) inspirational                                         B) educational
      C) excessive                                              D) instantaneous
45.  Someresearchers feel that certain people have nervous systems particularly___________ to hot, dry winds. They are what we call weather-sensitive people.
      A) subjective                                            B) subordinate
      C) liable                                                   D)vulnerable
46.  Hurricanesare killer winds, and their ____________ power lies in the physical damage theycan do.
      A) cumulative                                           B) destructive
      C) turbulent                                              D) prevalent
47.  Insome countries, students are expected to be quiet and ___________ in theclassroom.
      A) skeptical                                              B) faithful
      C) obedient                                               D) subsidiary
48.  Inspite of the ___________ economic forecasts, manufacturing output has risenslightly.
      A) gloomy                                                B)miserable
      C) shadowy                                              D)obscure
49.  Bodypaint or face paint is used mostly by men in pre-literate societies in order toattract good health or to ___________ disease.
      A) set aside                                               B) ward off
      C) shrug off                                              D) give away
50.  Theinternational situation has been growing __________ difficult for the last fewyears.
      A) invariably                                            B) presumably
      C) increasingly                                          D) dominantly
51.  The prisoner was ________________ of his civilliberty for three years.
      A) discharged                                           B) derived
      C) deprived                                              D) dispatched
52.  Smallfarms and the lack of modern technology have __________ agriculturalproduction.
      A) blundered                                            B) tangled
      C) bewildered                                           D) hampered
53.  TheJapanese scientists have found that scents ______________ efficiency and reducestress among office workers.
      A) enhance                                               B)amplify
      C) foster                                                   D)magnify
54.  All the students have to _____________ to therules and regulations of the school.
      A) confirm                                               B)confront
      C) confine                                                D)conform
55.  He ____________ his head, wondering how tosolve the problem.
      A) scrapped                                              B) screwed
      C) scraped                                                D)scratched
56.  Assoon as the boy was able to earn his own living he _________ his parents’strict rules.
      A) defied                                                  B)refuted
      C) excluded                                              D) vetoed
57.  The helicopter _____________ a light plane andboth pilots were killed.
      A) coincided with                                      B) stumbled on
      C) tumbled to                                           D) collided with
58.  To______________ is to save and protect, to leave what we ourselves enjoy in suchgood condition that others may also share the enjoyment.
      A) conserve                                              B) conceive
      C) convert                                                D)contrive
59.  Put on dark glasses or the sun will_____________ you and you won’t be able to see.
      A) discern                                                B)distort
      C) distract                                                D) dazzle
60.  In__________ times human beings did not travel for pleasure but to find a morefavorable climate.
      A) prime                                                  B)primitive
      C) primary                                               D)preliminary
Part IV                             Cloze                                                         (15minutes)
Directions: There are 20 blanks in thefollowing passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) andD) on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fitsinto the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with asingle line through the centre.
       Inthe United States,the first day nursery was opened in 1854. Nurseries were established in variousareas during the ___61__ half of the 19th century; most of ___62___ werecharitable. Both in Europe and in the U.S. the day-nursery movement receivedgreat ___63___ during the First World War, when ___64___ of manpower caused theindustrial employment of unprecedented(前所未有)numbers of women. In some European countries nurseries wereestablishes ___65___ in munitions(军火)plants, under direct government sponsorship. ___66___ the number ofnurseries in the U.S.also rose ___67___, this rise was accomplished without government aid of anykind. During the years following the First World War, ___68___, Federal, State,and local governments gradually began to exercise a measure of control ___69___the day nurseries, chiefly by ___70___ them and by inspecting and regulatingthe conditions within the nurseries.
       The___71___ of the Second World War was quickly followed by an increase in thenumber of day nurseries in almost all countries, as women were ___72___ calledupon to replace men in the factories. On this ___73___ the U.S. government immediately came tothe support of the nursery schools. ___74___ $6,000,000 in July, 1942, for anursery-school program for the children of working mothers. Many States andlocal communities ___75___ this Federal aid. By the end of the war, in August,1945, more than 100,000 children were being cared ___76___ in day-care centersreceiving Federal ___77___. Soon afterward, the Federal government ___78___ cutdown its expenditures for this purpose and later ___79___ them, causing a sharpdrop in the number of nursery schools in operation. However, the expectationthat most employed mothers would leave their ___80___ at the end of the war wasonly partly fulfilled.
61.A) latter                B) late                           C) other                     D) first
62.A) those                B) them                         C) whose                    D) whom
63.A) impetus            B) input                        C) imitation                D) initiative
64.A) sources             B) abundance                 C) shortage                 D) reduction
65.A) hardly              B) entirely                     C) only                      D) even
66.A) Because            B) As                            C) Since                     D) Although
67.A) unanimously     B) sharply                     C) predominantly        D) militantly
68.A) therefore          B) consequently             C) however                 D) moreover
69.A) over                 B) in                             C) at                          D) about
70.A) formulating      B) labeling                    C) patenting                D) licensing
71.A) outset               B) outbreak                   C) breakthrough          D) breakdown
72.A) again                B) thus                          C) repeatedly              D) yet
73.A) circumstance     B) occasion                    C) case                       D) situation
74.A) regulating         B) summoning               C) allocating               D) transferring
75.A) expanded          B) facilitated                  C) supplemented         D) compensated
76.A) by                    B) after                         C) of                          D) for
77.A) pensions           B) subsidies                   C) revenues                D) budgets
78.A) prevalently       B) furiously                   C) statistically             D) drastically
79.A) abolished          B) diminished                C) jeopardized            D) precluded
80.A) nurseries           B) homes                       C) jobs                       D) children
Part V                               Writing                                                     (30minutes)
Directions:     For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write acomposition on the topic How to Succeed in a Job Interview? You shouldwrite at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline given inChinese below:
1. 面试在求职过程中的作用。
2. 取得面试成功的因素:仪表、举止谈吐、能力、专业知识、自信、实事求是……
Howto Succeed in a Job Interview?
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