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[博奥作业] 新概念(1)下—胡老师 附答案

发表于 2012-4-11 16:39:25 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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七年级下Units 1-6
I. 词组归纳
1. 来自
2. 居住在
3. 在周末
4. 给某人写信;写信给某人
5. 笔友
6. 讲英语/汉语
7. 在……和……之间
8. 在……对面
9. 带我的狗去散步
10. 玩得高兴
11. 在附近
12. 直走
13. 向左/右转
14. 在图书馆的右边
15. 一幢有一个美丽花园的房子
16. ……的开始
17. 一个消遣的好地方
18. 去……的路
19. 有点儿,稍微
20. 和……一起玩
21. 想成为
22. 与……一起工作
23. 把某物给某人
24. 从某人处得到某物
25. 谈论某事
26. 与某人交谈
27. 参加校园剧的演出
28. 有一份护士的工作给你
29. 一所国际性的学校
30. 5~12岁的儿童
31. 在电话里交谈
32. 等待
33. 我的一些照片
34. 在下一张相片中
35. 度假
36. 照相
II. 句型归纳
1. —_______ _______ John’s pen pal _______?
—He’s from Brazil.
2. —_______ _______ her pen pal _______ _______?
—She comes from Korea.
3. —_______ _______ he live?
—He _______ in Beijing.
4. —_______ _______ do they speak?
—They speak English and French.
5. —_______ _______ a supermarket?
—No, there isn’t.
6. —_______ the park?
—It’s _______ Center Street.
7. —_______ the hotel?
—It’s next _______ the bank.
8. —_______ _______ he like koala bears?
—Because they’re _______ of cute.
9. —_______ _______ he do?
—He’s a reporter.
10. —_______ _______ he?
—He’s a doctor.
11. —_______ _______ _______ _______?
—I’m reading.
12. —_______ Uncle Joe _______?
—He’s playing basketball.
13. —_______ he ______ his homework?
    —Yes, he is.
14. — _______ the weather?
—It’s windy.
15. —_______ the weather _______?
—It’s sunny.
16. — _______ it ________?
III. 考点归纳
1. Where is your pen pal from? 你的笔友是哪里的人?
= Where does your pen pal come from?
be from = come from 来自
She’s from Korea.     = She comes from Korea.
She isn’t from Korea.   = She doesn’t come from Korea.
Is she from Korea?     = Does she come from Korea?
Where is he come from?
Where does he from?
Tom is American.
Tom is an American.
Tom is an American boy.
Tom is from America.
Tom comes from America.结
国家 n.
国家的 adj.
人 n.
人 n. (pl.)
America (the USA)
the UK
German (德国人)的复数形式不是Germen, 而是Germans。
2. Can you write to me soon? 你能尽快给我写信吗?
给某人写信:  write (a letter) to sb.
收到某人的信:get a letter from sb.
                  hear from sb.
3. 关于问路及回答的常用语
1) Excuse me, is there a ...?
Excuse me, where is the ...?
Excuse me, which is the way to the ...?
Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the ...?
Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the ...?
Excuse me, how can I get to the ...?
2) Go/Walk straight (along the street).
Go/Walk along/up/down the street.
Go/Walk along/up/down the street to the end.
Go/Walk along/up/down the street about ten minutes.
Turn (to the) left/right.
Turn left/right at the traffic lights.
Turn left/right at the second turning.
(= Take the second turning on the left/right.)
4. Take a walk through the park on Central Avenue.
1) 散步: take a walk
            have a walk
            go for a walk
2) through 穿过(立体的)……
例如:go/walk/run/drive through the rain/ forest/ city
          go/walk/run/drive across the street/ road/ bridge/ avenue
          swim across the river
Go through the street. 顺着这条街走。
Go across the street. (横穿)过马路。
5. Next to the hotel is a small house with an interesting garden.
1) 形容词作定语修饰名词放在名词的前面,例如:
    a new teacher
    a fantastic movie
    an exciting soccer ball game
2) 形容词修饰不定代词放在不定代词的后面, 例如:
    something dangerous
    anything different
3) 介词短语、分词作定语放在所修饰词的后面,例如:
  a T-shirt like this
  a student in No.14 Middle School
  the boy with short curly hair
  the girl in red sweater
  the man wearing a pair of new shoes
  the kite made by Lucy
    The man in the car is my father.
    Which man is your father?
6. This is the beginning of the garden tour.
1) at the beginning of :在……开始的时候,例如:
    at the beginning of this week/ month
At the beginning of a math class she usually asks a question.
Tom sings a song at the beginning of the music festival.
at the end of :在……结束的时候
at the end of this year/ February/ Unit Two
2) in the beginning 在开始的时候,例如:
    He couldn’t speak Chinese at all in the beginning.
    in the end 最后
3) beginner 初学者
7. Let me tell you the way to my house.
1) the way to …       到……去的路
    the answer to …    ……的答案
    the key to …      ……的答案,……的钥匙
2) on the way to …   在去……的路上
    on one’s way to … 在某人去……的路上
在这几个短语中如果后接home, here, there这几个副词,需将to去掉。
例如:on the way home/ here/ there
8. Why do you like them? Because they’re kind of cute.
    你为什么喜欢它们? 因为它们有点可爱。
1) 英语表达中不能连用的词:
① because和so,例如:
    Because I like the toys, I will buy a lot.      (√)
    Because I like the toys, so I will buy a lot.    (×)
② though/although和but,例如:
Though/Although I like the toys, I won’t buy a lot.     (√)
    Though/Although I like the toys, but I won’t buy a lot.  (×)
1) kind of 在某些短语中表示种类,例如:
    all kinds of 各种各样的
    different kinds of 各种各样的,不同种类的
    many kinds of 许多种的
    this/that kind of 这/那种的
    a kind of 一种……
2) a little + 不可数名词 “一点……”,前面常与only连用。
little + 不可数名词 “几乎没有……”,前面常与very连用。
There is a little sheep. 有一只小绵羊。
There is a little water. 有一点水。
3) not a bit = not at all
not a little = very much
9. Isn’t he cute? 难道他不可爱吗?
否定疑问句的构成:用not的简略式-n’t与句首的be, have, has, 助动词或情态动词连用来开始一个问句。
Isn’t it an interesting TV show?   Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
Can’t you do it by yourself? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
Aren’t they ours? Yes, they aren’t. / No, they are.
10. What other animals do you like? 你还喜欢别的什么动物?
1) other, others
other adj.
other + 可数名词的复数/不可数名词 “其他的……,另外的……”,不单独使用。
例如:I need other dictionaries.
others pron.
others = other + 可数名词复数
例如:I don’t like these shorts, please give me some others (=other shorts).
2) other, another
other adj.
other + 可数名词的复数/不可数名词 “其他的……,另外的……”(三者以上),不单独使用。
another adj.
another + 可数名词单、复数 “另一个(一些)……”(三者以上),可单独使用(此时为代词)。
例如:Do you want another cup of coffee?
We need another three chairs (=three more chairs)
3) the other, the others
one … the other (the other + 可数名词单数)    一个……,另一个……
some … the others (the other + 可数名词复数)  一些……,另一些……
11. 英语中对职业的提问:
What does he do?
= What is he?
= What’s his job?
Who’s that man?     He’s my uncle.
What’s your uncle?   He’s a policeman.
12. People give me their money or get their money from me.
give sth. to sb. = give sb. sth.
lend, show, pass, send, bring, sell, offer, hand, teach, tell, throw等。
当sth.为代词it或them时,只能用:give it/them to sb.的结构。
13. I wear a white uniform. 我穿一套白色的制服。
wear, put on, dress, be in
1)wear “穿着”,表状态= be in
She wears a purple sweater today.
= She’s wearing a purple sweater today.
= She’s in a purple sweater today.
wear “留,蓄”
wear a beard  留胡子
wear long hair 蓄长发
wear sunglasses 戴太阳眼镜
2)put on “穿上”,表动作
Tom is putting on his shirt.
3)dress “穿”,可表动作或状态
dress sb. = get sb. dressed给某人穿衣服
He is too young to dress himself.
= He is too young to get himself dressed.
14. Do you want to work for a magazine?
1) work for 为……工作
Jeff works for a big company.
2) work as 当……
Would you like to work as a waiter?
3) work at/in 在哪里工作
His brother works in a famous hotel.
15. What’s he waiting for? 他在等什么?
wait for 等待什么
wait to do sth. 等着做什么
can’t wait to do sth. 迫不及待地做某事
wait at/in ... 在哪里等
Look! Jennifer is waiting ___  _ the bus stop.
A. for   B. to   C. at   D. on
16. In the first photo, I’m playing basketball at school.
(印)在书/报纸/相片……上:in the book/ newspaper/ photo ...
(放)在书/报纸/相片……上:on the book/ newspaper/ photo ...
17. 询问天气情况的句式:
◎How’s the weather in Shanghai? 上海天气怎样?
= What’s the weather like in Shanghai?
1) How’s the weather like? (×)
2) What’s the weather?     (×)
◎It’s raining. 在下雨。
rain v. 下雨     rain n.(U) 雨    rainy adj. 下雨的
snow v. 下雪     snow n.(U) 雪    snowy adj. 下雪的
It rained(snowed) heavily/hard last night.
= There was a heavy/hard rain(snow) last night.
= There was a lot of rain(snow) last night.
◎It’s cloudy. 是阴天。
cloud-cloudy  rain-rainy  snow-snowy  wind-windy  sun-sunny
1) cloud n. 云 可数名词
There are many dark clouds in the sky.
2) 一阵大风:
a strong wind  (√)
a big wind    (×)
I. 单项选择
1. —Where’s your pen pal from?
—He is from        , the United Kingdom.
A. Tokyo     B. Beijing     C. London     D. New York
2. James is good at sports. He plays       basketball well, and he plays __  __piano well, too.
A. the, the      B. /, /      C. /, the     D. the, /
3. —_______ you from Australia ?
—No, I’m from Singapore.
A. Can      B. Are      C. Do      D. Where’s  
4. Please write _______ me and tell me _______ yourself.
A. to, to     B. to, about     C. about, to     D. about, about
5. —Why does he like koalas?
—        he thinks they are very cute.
A. Because     B. So     C. But       D. And
6. Next to the park, _______ a big hotel.
A. have      B. has     C. there is     D. there are
7. Let Li Ming ___ ___ you ___ ___ the books to the classroom.
A. to help, take   B. help, take   C. helps, take      D. helping, to take
8. My favorite food is hamburgers ___  __some meat in them.
A. of      B. at    C. with    D. for
9. —Henry, is this your sock?   
—Yes. But where’s _______ one?
A. other     B. the other    C. others    D. another
10. “你父亲是做什么的?” Which sentence(句子) is wrong(错的)?
A. What’s your father’s job? B. What is your father doing?
C. What does your father do? D. What’s your father?
11. —Can he _______French?  
—Yes, he can.
A. speaks     B. say     C. speak     D. talk
12. The moonlight(月光)comes in ________the window at night.
A. across    B. through     C. to     D. in front of
13. —Aren’t the koalas cute?  
—Yes,        .
A. all kinds of    B. kind of     C. a kind of     D. kinds of
14. —What do you do?  
A. I’m very well       B. I’m a basketball player   
C. I’m in the library    D. I’m doing my homework
15. Mike often ____ __books. He enjoys         books.
A. reads, reads    B. read, reading   C. reads, reading    D. read, to read
16. Excuse me, can you tell me _______?
A. how can I get to the children’s palace    B. how to arrive the children’s palace
C. how can get to the children’s palace     D. how to get to the children’s palace
17. What _       do you want to see in the zoo?
A. other animal     B. the other animal   C. another animals     D. other animals
18. Here _        some news about the job for you.
A. are    B. is    C. be    D. am
19. I work _    __ him __    _ a waiter.
A. as, to    B. for, to    C. for, as    D. as, in
20. The busy street is _______ to small children.
A. difficult    B. dangerous    C. interesting    D. fun
II. 完形填空
It’s a fine Sunday morning. Ann and her mother are on a big bus. There are   21   people on it. Some   22   from America, and some   23   England and Canada. They are all   24   friends. They’re going to the Great Wall(长城).   25   two Chinese on the bus.   26   is a woman. She is   27   the bus. The other is a young man. He   28   good English. He is now talking   29   the Great Wall. The other people are all listening to him. They like the Great Wall. They want to see it   30  .
21. A. much    B. any      C. a little   D. many
22. A. is        B. are      C. has       D. have
23. A. with    B. of      C. from       D. about
24. A. her        B. his      C. our       D. their
25. A. They    B. Their    C. There       D. There’re
26. A. That    B. This      C. The one    D. One
27. A. riding    B. taking    C. driving   D. carrying
28. A. speaks    B. says      C. talks       D. listens
29. A. with    B. on      C. about       D. at
30. A. a lot    B. lot of    C. very       D. much
III. 阅读理解
Dear Amy,
Susan is my pen pal. She’s from London, England. She speaks good English. She’s now in Shanghai with her parents, because they work in Shanghai. Susan can speak a little Chinese.
There are five people in her family, her parents, her two brothers and she. Her brothers aren’t in China. They are in England.
She likes singing and dancing very much. Her favorite subject is music. She likes going to the movies on weekends. She thinks it’s fun. I think she’s a nice girl.
Do you want Susan to be your pen pal?
31. Susan is Sophia’s        .
    A. sister        B. aunt          C. cousin.       D. pen pal
32. Where does Susan live now?
A. In Shanghai       B. In New York     C. In Beijing     D. In London
33. How many brothers and sisters does Susan have?
A. She has two sisters and one brother.      
B. She has two brothers but no sister.
C. She has two sisters but no brother.      
D. She has two brothers and one sister.
34. What’s Susan’s favorite subject in school?
A. Chinese       B. Music       C. English      D. Math
35. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage ?
A. Susan is from China               
B. Susan is in Shanghai with the whole family
C. Susan likes going to the movies on weekends  
D. Susan speaks good Chinese.
Some children want to be writers some day. They mean that they want to write stories or books for people to read. That’s good! It’s good to write something for people to read! But they should know that they need to be good readers first before they really are good writers. They should read a lot of books, and read for hours and hours every day instead of watching TV and spending a lot of time playing games when they are free.
If you are a good reader, it doesn’t take you long to do the reading homework. Then you have time to read many other books for fun. Because you read so well, you have more fun in reading and you want to look for more books to read.
Before you decide to be a good writer, you’d better say to yourself, “I must read and read and read more and more!”
36. This article mainly tells us that _________.
A. some children wish to be writers some day
B. it is good to write something for people to read
C. reading can make you a good writer
D. writers like to read more books for fun
37. Some children want to be writers _________.
A. because they want to be good readers   
B. to write stories or books for people to read
C. to find good work some day            
D. to get more money to keep a family
38. It’s good for children _________.
A. to do a lot of reading         B. to watch TV in the evening
C. to have wishes sometimes     D. to be good writers right now
39. Reading can _________.
A. help you to be a good player B. help you write well
C. make you work better      D. make you watch more TV at home
40. From the article we know that _________.
A. all children like to be writers B. people like to read for children
C. all writers are children         D. children need to read more and more books
IV. 句型转换:
41. This lion comes from Africa. (用America改为选择疑问句)
    ____  _ this lion _       from ______ _ _____ __ _____ __?
42. Isn’t the panda cute?  (根据提示回答)
    _____________________. (不,它很可爱)
43. What’s your mother? (同义句转换)
    ____  _ ___  __ your mother _  ____?
44. Where is your pen pal from? (同义句转换)
Where _____ _ your pen pal ________ from?
45. I like monkeys because they are smart.(对划线部分提问)
________ do you ________ monkeys?
V. 补全对话
Tony:Where do you want to go now?
Maria:  46  .
Tony:Why do you like elephants?
Maria:Oh, they’re interesting.   47  .
Tony:Yes, but they’re ugly, too.
Maria:Oh, Tony! So, where do you want to go?
Tony:Let’s see the pandas.   48  .
Maria:OK.   49  , too. They’re beautiful. But where are they?
Tony:They’re over there on the left.   50  .
VI. 书面表达
根据以下提示写一段短文。(不少于50 words)
1. 从机场出来即可乘坐出租车。
2. 经过花园酒店后,向左拐,然后沿着Bridge Street走,你可以看见一个超市,超市对面有一家餐馆,餐馆旁边是邮局,我家就在邮局后面,是一座带漂亮花园的小房子。
Dear Lucy,
I’m sorry I can’t meet you at the airport. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I. 词组归纳
1. come from / be from
2. live in
3. on weekends
4. write to sb.
5. pen pal / pen friend
6. speak English / Chinese
7. between… and…
8. across from
9. take a walk with my dog
10. have a good time/ have fun
11. next to…
12. go straight
13. turn (to the) left / right
14. on the right of the library
15. a house with a beautiful garden
16. the beginning of
17. a good place to have fun
18. the way to
19. kind of/ a little/ a bit
20. play with
21. want to be
22. work with sb.
23. give sth. to sb.
24. get sth. from sb.
25. talk about sth.
26. talk to/with sb.
27. be in the school play
28. have a job for you as a nurse
29. an international school
30. the children of 5 to 12
31. talk on the phone
32. wait for
33. some of my photos
34. in the next photo
35. on vacation
36. take photos
II. 句型归纳
1. Where is, from
2. Where does, come from
3. Where does; lives
4. What language
5. Is there
6. Where’s; on
7. Where’s; to
8. Why does; kind
9. What does
10. What is
11. What are you doing
12. What’s, doing
13. Is, doing
14. How’s
15. What’s, like
16. How’s, going
I. 1-5 CCBBA  6-10 CBCBB  11-15 CBBBC  16-20 DDBCB
II. 21-25 DBCCD  26-30 DCACA
III.31-35 DABBC  36-40 CBABD
IV. 41. Does, come, Africa or America  42. Yes, it is.  43. What does, do  44. does, come  
45. Why, like  
V. 46-50  BCADE
Dear Lucy,
I’m sorry I can’t meet you at the airport. Let me tell you the way to my house. Take a taxi from the airport. When you pass Garden Hotel, please turn left and go down Bridge Street, you can see a supermarket. Across from the supermarket is a restaurant. Next to the restaurant is a post office. My house is behind the post office. It’s a small house with a beautiful garden.
I hope you have a good trip.
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发表于 2012-4-20 19:55:56 | 只看该作者
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