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[其他] 疯狂英语脱口而出900句(二十八)

发表于 2012-6-8 10:17:48 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式


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811. Your answer is satisfying. I feel satisfied.你的答案是令人满意的。我感到很满意。
812. Betty and Susan are talking on the telephone.贝蒂和苏珊正在通电话。
813. Great efforts ensure the success of our work.巨大的努力确保了我们工作的成功。
814. He has tasted the sweets and bitters of life.他已尝遍了人生的甜酸苦辣。
815. He said he was educated in the United States.他说他是在美国受的教育。
816. How do you like our English literature Prof.?你觉得我们的英国文学课的教授怎么样?
817. I am looking forward to your visit next week.我期待着你下周来访。
818. I feel I am the happiest person in the world.我觉得自己是世界上最幸福的人了。
819. I had to sit up all night writing the report.我不得不熬通宵写报告。
820. I hope we can see each other again some time.希望还能有相见的机会。
821. I saw him playing football on the playground.我看见他在操场上踢足球。
822. It is tomorrow that they will have a meeting.就在明天(而不是在别的某一天)他们要开会。
823. Let me tell you some details about clearance.让我告诉你一些通关的细节。
824. The brain needs a continuous supply of blood.大脑需要连续不断地供血。
825. The doctor's words made him feel comfortable.医生的话让他感觉很舒服。
826. The truth is quite other than what you think.事实真相和你所想的完全不同。
827. They stopped talking when their boss came in.当老板进来的时候;他们停止了交谈。
828. They were glad of the examination being over.他们为考试结束了而高兴。
829. This is by far the largest cake in the world.这是目前世界上最大的蛋糕了。
830. Whichever you choose, you won't be satisfied.不论你选择哪一个,你都不会满意。
831. Will you connect this wire to the television ?你把这根电线和电视机连上好吗?
832. His words are strongly impressed on my memory.他的话深深地铭记在我的心头。
833. Is this the fight bus for the Capital Library?这辆车到首都图书馆吗?
834. One third of this area is covered with forest.这一地区三分之一的地方都是森林。
835. They are arguing over who should pay the bill.他们为谁应该付款而争论不休。
836. Wait a moment, I'll be with you in an instant.等一下,我立刻就来。
837. You'll save time not waiting for the elevator.你可以节省等电梯的时间。
838. A clear conscience laughs at false accusation.只要问心无愧,无端的指责可以一笑置之。
839. I have a headache, and she has a stomachache.我头疼,她胃疼。
840. He glared at Bill, ready to teach him a lesson.他怒视着比尔,准备教训他一顿。
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