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[网校试卷] Go for it八上期中测试

发表于 2012-10-26 17:09:56 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式


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— I hopemost of the cities can have the .It’s really a great kind of transportation.
— I thinkso. It’s clean, cheap and never has a traffic jam (交通堵塞).
A. bus                   B.taxi                   C. subway             D. car
【答  案】C
【解  析】此题考查交通工具。由答句中的It’sclean, cheap and never has a traffic jam.可知,这种交通工具干净、便宜并且从不发生交通堵塞。选项中只有subway(地铁)符合题意,故选C
八年级#人教版#新目标#Go for it#上册#期中测试#选择题#单选题#交通工具#名词#subway
—  does it take you to get to the hospital?
— Aboutfive mimutes.
A. How often               B.How long         C. How many        D. How far
【答  案】B
【解  析】how often(多久一次)对时间频率提问;how long(多久)对时间段提问;how many(多少)对可数名词的数量提问;how far(多远)对距离提问。由答句Aboutfive mimutes.可知,问句询问的是“到达医院需要花费你多长的时间”,要用how long提问,故选B
八年级#人教版#新目标#Go for it#上册#期中测试#选择题#单选题#特殊疑问句#特殊疑问词#询问时间段#how long
— Is MrWhite a(n)  teacher?
— Yes.You can hardly see him smile.
A. friendly            B.important         C. lazy                 D. serious
【答  案】D
— Do youknow much about the Palace Museum?
— No. Butwe can find lots of  about it on the Internet.
A. news                B.advice              C. suggestions       D. information
— Whydoes Bob look unhappy?
— Becausehis father’s illness is getting  day by day.
A. worse               B.bad                  C. best                  D. worst
— I’m cooking some beef. Would you like to  to my house to have it with us?
— Sure, I’d love to.
A. come from       B. come in            C. come over               D.come out
— Whatmade you so , Lily?
— The catbroke my new glass, Mum.
A. weak                B.excited             C. angry                      D. athletic
— Whatdoes this new word “competition” ?
— Sorry,I don’t know, either.
A. say                  B. speak                      C.mean                D. talk
—  number of teachers like traveling in ourschool.
— But  number of the teachers who like traveling inour school is only 8. Most of them like working.
A. The;a            B. A;the             C.The;the          D. A;a
— How doyou like your new classmate Tony?
—  we are different in many ways, he is my bestfriend.
A. But                  B.Though            C. However          D. Until
— People  the sick boy to the hospital as soon as possible.
— Theyare really very kind.
A. gave                B.sent                  C. brought            D. made
— What doyou learn from this story?
— To bethe best, you have to  the best.
A. beat                 B.fight                C. lose                  D. win
Do youhave  to say?
A. important anything                        B. anything important
C. important something                             D. somethingimportant
— Why doyou agree with her? You don’t like her at all.
— That’s quite  matter.
A. other                B.the other           C. another             D. others
— Don’t  the door after you clean the classroom.
— Yes,sir.
A. remember locking                         B. remember to lock
C. forget locking                               D. forget to lock
Sara got abirthday present—a new coatfrom her mother. The coat   1   her more beautiful and she felt very   2   at school.
One day, Sarafound that a button (纽扣) of her coat was   3  . She looked for it everywhere, but shecouldn’t   4   it. The next day, she didn’t   5   that coat to school and felt sadall day. After school, she went to lots of   6   shops to find that kind of buttons, but shecouldn’tfind anyone   7   it.
Sara told hermother everything about the   8   after she got home. Her mother smiled andsaid, “We can   9   all the buttons. Then they will be the same. ”The coat was then beautiful again   10   the new lovely buttons. Sara felt very happy.
1. A. helped           B. made                C.needed                     D. let
2. A. happy           B. relaxed             C.lucky                      D. sad
3. A. broken          B. found               C.lost                  D. run
4. A. find                     B.find out           C.look for            D. look
5. A. put on           B. wear                C.dress                D. take off
6. A. book            B.food                 C. pet                   D. clothes
7. A. buying          B. selling              C.asking              D. making
8. A. coat              B.present             C. shop                 D. button
9. A. find              B.buy                  C. change             D. have
10. A. on              B.in                    C. about                      D. with
Jack Brown was very fat and hiswife was worried about his weight.
“You should see the doctor,” shesaid. “It’s no good for your health. Go and ask him how to lose weight.”
“OK,” Jack said. And he went tosee a doctor.
The doctor weighed him. Then hesaid, “You are 100 kilograms and it’s too heavy. You must lose at least 30kilograms. Eat only fruit and vegetables and run five kilometers a day for thenext 100 days, then call and tell me how much you weigh.”
Jack went home and did what thedoctor told him. 100 days later, he called the doctor.
“This is Jack Brown, doctor,” hesaid, “I’m calling to tell you about my weight. You will be happy to know thatI have lost 30 kilograms.”
“Excellent,” the doctor said.
“Yes, but there’s a problem,”Jack said. “I’m 500 kilometers away from my home!”
1. The underlined word “him” refers to () .
A. Jack Brown              B. the doctor          C. the teacher         D. a stranger
2. What did Jack do to lose weight?
A. He ran to another city.                    B. He did not eat anything for100 days.
C. He ate special food andexercise.      D. He took medicine.
3. How heavy was Jack when he called the doctor?
A. 30 kilograms.   B. 70 kilograms.    C. 100 kilograms.  D. 130kilograms.
4. Why was Jack so far from his home?
A. He didn’t turn around.                    B.He forgot his address.
C. He lost a lot of weight.                   D.He ran too fast.
5. Jack is probably .
A. a fast runner     B. not very smart   C. rich and lazy     D.healthy and smart
Singapore’s public transportsystem is one of the best in the world, so you should have no problem findingyour way around like a local. There are four main forms of public transportthat you would find in any other major (主要的) city—trains, buses, taxis and rental cars.
Trains run from six o’clock inthe morning to twelve o’clock at midnight. Single trip starts at 80 cents. Ifyou buy EZ-Link cards for $15, you can ride the trains and buses as you like.
If you need more information,just call Transit Link on 1800 767 4333.
There are several bus services inSingapore and fares (费用) start at 80 cents. Be sure to always ask the driver the cost ofyour ticket as he cannot give you change.
If you need help, just callTransit Link on 1800 767 4333.
    There are three maintaxi companiesCity Cab (6552 2222), Comfort (6552111) and Tibs (6552 8888).Booking can also be easy by calling the numbers listed above.
Driving in Singaporeis a pleasure and if you like to travel at your own speed, renting a car is agood choice. Just sit back and enjoy the city. It also means you’ll get to seea lot more that a train or a bus won’t let you see. For car rental, call Avison 065 6737 1668.
1. There’re  main means of public transport in Singapore.
A. two                  B. three                C.four                 D. five
2. Trains run  hours in Singapore.
A. six                   B. twelve              C.eighteen           D. twenty-four
3. Fares for  start at 80 cents.
A. trains                      B. buses                C.taxis                 D. rental cars
4. If you want to book a taxi in Tibs, you can call .
A. 1800 767 4333  B. 6552 2222               C.6552 8888         D. 065 6737 1668
5. If you want to see and learn more about Singapore, which do youthink is the best means of transport?
A. Trains.             B. Buses.              C. Taxis.               D.Rental Cars.
Weekends are short. They are onlytwo days out of a seven-day week. In order to make your weekends seem (似乎) longer, you need toplan it better. Here are some ideas.
Get up at your usual time.The biggest mistake is to think thatthe weekend is a good chance for a sleep-in. So getting up early canmake you feel the weekends are longer.
Finish chores (琐事) as early aspossible. Nobody wants to do the chores, but we have to do them. The earlieryou do them at the weekend, the better you will feel. You can do chores from 7:00 am to 9:00 am on Saturday morning. After doing the chores, you can planyour weekends well.
Go out to enjoy weekends.Weekends feel longer if you get outand enjoy them. Think about what you like to do. Plan a sports activity, forexample, playing football in the park. You can also plan to go to a museum, azoo, or a park.
1. Why do we need to plan the weekends better?
A. It can make our weekendslonger.
B. It can make our weekends moreexciting.
C. We don’t have enough time toenjoy the weekends.
D. Nobody can plan the weekendsbetter.
2. What does the underlined word “sleep-in” probably means inChinese?
A. 晚睡                      B.早睡                      C. 晚起                      D. 早起
3. The second idea of making your weekends seem longer is about .
A. the right time of getting up                    B.the best time to do chores
C. the outdoor activity forweekends    D. the good place for spendingthe weekends
4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. We can get up late on Saturdaymorning.
B. We don’t need to do chores onweekends.
C. We can plan to go to a museum.
D. We don’t need to spend theweekend in a zoo.
5. What’s the best title for the passage?
A. Get Up at Your Usual Time             B. Do chores As Early As Possible
C. Go Out to Enjoy Weenkends           D. Make Your Weekends Seem Longer
A. because      B. hers           C.    ways          D. nobody       E. so            F.    same   
G. more         H. common    I. as              J. difference    K. from       L.    did
You are unique (独特的)! There is   1   in the world exactly likeyou. Everybody is different   2   everyone else. That is good   3   it makes the world an interesting place. Thereare people taller than you, and shorter than you. Maybe your hair is the   4   color as your friend’s. But perhaps it is longer thanhers. Another   5   is that your hair maybestraight and   6   maybe curly.
I am sure youhave some friends who are   7   intelligent (聪明的) than you. And you also have some friends whoare   8   good at sports as you. But there are alsopeople around you who are not good at any sports.
Do you haveanything in   9   with your best friend? Do you both like tofinish your homework in the classroom after school? Are you both outgoing? Ithink in some   10   you are the same but in many other ways youare different.
My grandpa usually goes to the park  (two) a week.
The oldwoman has a very serious           (head).
Mary has bad  (eat) habits.
What about  (take) walks after dinner?
Go for it八上期中测试.doc (123.5 KB, 下载次数: 3)
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