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[博奥作业] 八年级同步练习(6)

发表于 2013-4-29 23:07:31 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 风清扬 于 2013-4-30 08:32 编辑
11. His voice __________ strange on the phone.
A. heard                         B.felt                          C. listened                    D. sounded
12. Lucy is a __________ girl from America.
A. ten-years-old
    B. ten-year-old       C. tenyears-old          D. tenyears old
13. ___ you take an umbrella with you? The radiosays it’s going to rain this afternoon.
A. Why not
           B.What about      C. Whydon’t            D. How about
14. Don’t forget __________my dictionary tomorrowmorning.
A. to return
            B.returning          C. togive             D. giving
15. Elvis Presley has sold more than two__________ records all his life.
A. billion
               B.billion of         C.billions of             D.billions
16. – Have you __________ been to the UK?
– Yes, I __________ there two years ago.
A. yet; have visited
       B. yet;visited             C. ever; have visited      D. ever; visited
17. The girl in blue issitting __________ the window.
  A. with                  B.of                    C.by    
18. She feels __________ because all the kids have left home.
   A. serious
             B. lonely              C. lost   
19. It __________ him a few nights to prepare for the exam.
   A. made
                B. spent               C. took                D. paid
20. – Is your father at home?
– Sorry, he isn’t in. He __________ to the park.
A. gone
                B.went                C. goes                D. has gone
21. When I arrived at his office, he __________ onthe phone.
A. was speaking
     B. spoke               C. is speaking       D. speak
22. The computer is very important in our life,__________ it?
A. isn’t
                 B.doesn’t            C.wasn’t             D. hasn’t
23. Astronauts take the __________ to go to Mars.
A. satellite
             B.space shuttle      C. plane           D.airport shuttle
24. They finished their work and went home__________ of the day.
A. in the end
         B. atthe end         C. bythe end        D. on the end
25. – Do you know “samba”? I like it very much. Itexcites me every time I …
– __________! Let’s talk about something else.
  A. It sounds brilliant              B.Guess what         C. Give us abreak  
    D. I see
Sally likesto dive for treasure (潜水寻宝). She and Matthew dived together many times.There was only one 26. The waters in whichthey dived were full of sharks. So one of them was watching for sharks while 27 dived.
One dayMatthew was 28 the bottom. Sally swamon top with another diver named David. 29 she saw ahuge shadow (影子) in the water. It was a shark, and it was headingstraight for David!
What shouldshe do? She was afraid to shout a warning to David. It might 30 him, and hemight start splashing (溅水). Sally knew the sharkwould be attracted by splashing.
There wasonly one thing to do. She must tell David about the shark in a 31 way. Then,perhaps, he could swim away 32. The shadowwas huger now. Sally’s 33 was in hermouth, but she swam over to David. In a quiet voice she told him, “There is ashark behind you. Don’t splash. Swim to the boat—fast!”
David 34 with hisface pale, but he did not splash. They 35 for theboat. Sally looked quickly over her shoulder. The shark was right behind them.They reached the boat just in time. She and David 36 themselvesup. The jaws of the shark snapped shut, but it was 37 late. Theywere safe.
Later Matthewand David praised Sally. “You are a brave young woman,” they told her.
“Treasurehunting is fun,” said Sally. “You just have to remember one thing. Sharks liketo go hunting, too!”
26. A. problem                    B. thing                 C. question                   D. difficulty
27. A. the other
       B. another      C. some     
      D. others
28. A. seeing
        B. hunting      C. exploring   
         D. looking
29. A. Surprisingly
      B.Suddenly               C.Quickly    
30. A. force
          B.interest     C. excite    
         D. frighten
31. A. quick
         B. special           C. quiet    
32. A. dangerously
     B. safely       C. fast             D. slowly
33. A. stomach
        B. finger          C. heart     
        D. tooth
34. A. nodded
          B.disagreed      C. answered   
              D. knew
35. A. asked
                   B.looked       C. searched   
        D. headed
36. A. put
          B. brought     C. speeded    
        D. pulled
37. A. so
          B. too       C. very                   D. quite
Want to visit Sydney Tower? Here is someinformation about it.
Sydney Tower
38. Sydney Tower is _______ in Sydney, Australia.
   A. the busiest street                                     B. thebiggest station
   C. the most beautiful park
                     D. the highest point
39. Sydney Tower opens at __________.
  A. 8:00 am                            B.9:00 am   
    C. 10:30 pm                 D. 11:30 pm
40. If an adult with two children goes to visit Sydney Tower, he has to pay________.
  A. 60                B. 90      C. 120             D.150
“Who did this?” asked myteacher. Thirty children tried to think about not only what they had done, butalso what our teacher might have found out.
“Who did this?” sheasked again. She wasn’t really asking, she was demanding an answer. She neverbecame angry, but she was this time. She held up a piece of broken glass andasked, “Who broke this window?”
“Oh, oh,” I thought. Iwas the one who broke the window. I did not do it on purpose. It was caused bya bad throw of a baseball. Why did it have to be me?
If I admitted it, Iwould be in a lot of trouble. How would I be able to pay for a big window likethat? “My father is going to get mad at me,” I thought. I didn’t want to raisemy hand, but some force much stronger than me pulled it up. “I did it.” Then Iwas silent. It was hard enough saying what I had.
My teacher went to oneof our library shelves and took down a book. She then began walking towards mydesk. I had never known my teacher to strike () a student, but Ifeared she was going to start with me.
“I know how you likebirds, Henry.” She said as she stood looking down at my face. “Here is thatfield guide about birds that you are always checking out. It is yours. We got anew one for the school anyway. You will not be punished. But remember, it’sonly for your truthfulness.”
I couldn’t believe it! Iwasn’t being punished and I was getting my very own bird field guide. The veryone that I had been saving up all my money to buy.
41. The teacher wanted to find out _____.
   A. who broke the window just now               B. who likes birds best in theclass
   C. who stole a book from the library
    D. who played baseball in the classroom
42. Henry didn’t admit it at first because he thought _____.
   A. his teacher would take his baseballaway   B. his father would never give himmoney
   C. his father would be very angry withhim   D. his teacher would strike him inclass
43. What did the teacher do to Henry at last?
A. Telephoned hisfather.                  B.Gave him a book.
C. Bought a new window.               D. Punished him.
44. From the story, weknow that Henry is _____.
A. serious
              B.clever       C. quiet                        D. honest
Many Chinesepeople like American country music, such as the songs of John Denver. But stillsome people don’t know when country music began.
Country musicis from the folk music(民间音乐)of the Appalachian Mountains in the east ofAmerica. There, people sang while playing the violin and guitar. They sangabout everyday life, love and their problems. So the songs were sometimes alittle sad.
One of themost popular country music singers is John Denver, who is also quite famous tothe Chinese. For Denver,music was a language that could bring the world together. He says music canbring people together. We will understand each other better through music.People are different in colors and they may speak different languages, but peopleare the same in mind and body. All of them love music and can understand music.
The worldlost a great man when John Denver died in 1997. But his music and words willlive on.
45. Americancountry music is from the _______ music of America.
A. pop                                  B.jazz                  C. light                        D. folk
46. “Musicwas a language that could bring the world together” means people _____.
A. can sing songs together
B. from all over the world sing the same songs
C. show their feeling through music and theyunderstand each other better
D. know language and music
47. Whichsentence is true?
A. Everyone knows when country music began.
B. Countrymusic is from the jazz music.
C. John Denver is famous to Chinese people, too.
D. John Denver doesn’t think music can bring people together.
Do you knowhow to play a game called “Musical Chairs”? It is easy to play and most peopleenjoy it. All you need are some chairs, some people and some way of makingmusic. You may use a piano or any other musical instrument, if someone can playit. You may use a tape recorder. You can even use a radio.
Put thechairs in a row. The chairs may be put in twos, back to back. A better way isto have the chairs in one row with each chair facing in the opposite directionto the chair next to it.
The game iseasy. When the music starts, the players walk round the chairs. Everyone goesin the same direction, of course, they should walk in time to the music. If themusic is fast they should walk quickly. If the music is slow, they should walkslowly.
The personplaying music cannot see the people in the game. When the music stops, theplayers try to sit on the chairs. If a person cannot find a chair to sit on, hedrops out. Then, before the music starts again, one chair must be taken away.When the music stops again, one more player will be out.
At last,there will be two players and one chair. The one who sits on the chair when themusic stops is the winner.
48. If ten people are playing musical chairs, you must begin with _______.
   A. nine chairs
     B. ten chairs                 C. eleven chairs             D.one chair
49. The chairs should be put _______.
   A. with the desks
               B. before the winner      C. all over the room      D. in a line
50. When themusic starts, the players must _______.
A. run about the room
 B. get down          C. walk around thechairs   D. sit on the chairs
About ten menin every hundred have the trouble of color blindness in some way. Women areluckier, only about one in two hundred is affected (被影响) in thismatter. Perhaps, after all, it is safer to be driven by a woman.
There aredifferent kinds of color blindness. For example, a man cannot see deep red. Hemay think that red, orange and yellow are all shades of green. Sometimes aperson can’t tell the difference between blue and green. Only a few unlucky menmay see everything in shades of green—a strange world indeed.
Colorblindness in human beings is a difficult thing to explain. In only one eyethere are millions of very small things called “cones (锥状细胞)”. Thesehelp us to see in the bright light and to tell differences between colors.There are also millions of “rods (杆状细胞)”, but these are usedfor seeing when it is nearly dark. They show us shapes but not colors.
Some insectshave favorite colors. Mosquitoes (蚊子) like blue but do notlike yellow. A red light will not attract insects, but a blue light will. Humanbeings also have favorite colors. Yet we are lucky. With the help of the conesin our eyes, we can see many beautiful colors by day, and with the help of therods we can see shapes at night.
51. Some people say it’s safer to be driven by women because ______.
A. women drive more carefully
B. women are better at driving than men
C. women can see things more clearly
D. there are fewer color-blind women
52. We can attract mosquitoes by using a ______ light.
  A. red    B. yellow    C. blue   
D. green
第二部分 非选择性试题 (33)
[tr]  [td=479]  
be, hear of, gift, but, fantastic, actually, character, all over
  [/td] [/tr]
Have you ever___1___ to Disneyland? For most of the kidsaround the world, this theme park is a (an) ___2___ place for them to have fun.When we were young, we all ___3___ Mickey Mouse, Sleeping Beauty, Snow Whiteand many Disney ___4___. Some of us have seen them in cartoons. ___5___, youcan go to see them all in a theme park. Now, there are four Disneylandamusement parks ___6___ the world in addition to Hong Kong Disney. Two are inthe United States, one is inTokyo, and the other is in France. Thereare not only some amusement attractions there, ___7___also many specials withDisney stars. In Disneyland, you can have alot of fun watching Disney movies, eating in Disney restaurants, and buyingDisney ___8___.
1. 我认为他还没有完成家庭作业。
  I __________ __________ he ____________________ his homework yet.
  It’s very important ________ childrento learn to ________ ________ ________ others.
  __________ __________ ____________________ classical music?
  __________ __________ ____________________ a rest.
  I hear that they __________ __________to Shanghai__________ __________.
Dear Lucy,
第三部分 附加题 (10)
Dear Penny,
    I hope you’re all well. We are allterribly busy, even Polly, who has eventually m
tofind some work. U, it’s not a very goodjob, but at least it’s a job, and maybe she will find something better in thefuture. She has also found somewhere eto live - a small flatabout five miles away from our house, so now there is oJoe and Ileft at home. After 24 years of having children to look a, it’s verystrange to have the house to ourselves, although I do enjoy chome to atidy house at the end of a day. By the way, Polly has just bup with herboyfriend, Peter. We were very s, because we got on wellwith him, and they sto be in love.
Alice has some interestingnews, as well. She passed her final exams. We heard last week; so of course, wehad a small family c. She doesn’t know whatshe wants to do yet, but she has plenty of time to decide. She doesn’t have aboyfriend at the moment, either. I don’t know what’s the matter with them!Anyway, that’s all for my news. How are you all? What are you up to?
                                           Yours,                                           Mary
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