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[英语] 自学新概念英语第二册笔记 Lessons 78

发表于 2012-8-23 20:59:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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  课文详注 Further notes on the text
  1. an article entitled'Cigarette Smoking and Your Health',一篇题为《吸烟与健康》的文章。
  The writer hasn't entitled his new book yet. 那位作家还没给他的新书写/取名。
  The book was entitled The Sun Also Rises. 那本书的书名为《太阳照样升起》。
  2. I had all the usual symptoms of someone giving up smoking: a bad temper and an enormous appetite. 我具备了戒烟者通常表现出来的所有症状:脾气暴躁和食欲旺盛。
  a bad temper and an enormous appetite为symptoms的同位语。
  giving up smoking可以看做是someone的定语,即someone who gives up smoking.
  3. My friends Kept on offering me cigarettes and cigars. 我的朋友们不断地向我递香烟和雪茄。
  keep on doing sth.表示"继续做某事"、"反复做某事":
  The child was crying loudly, but he kept on watching TV. 孩子在大声哭,但他却一直看电视。
  He kept on phoning her. 他不断地给她打电话。
  4.They made no effort to hide…他们毫不掩饰地……
  make no effort表示"根本不作努力"。我们还可以说:
  She wrote the letter with/without effort. 她费力地/毫不费力地写了那封信。
  Georeg made every effort to get/at getting the job.乔治竭尽全力想得到那份工作。
  5. …it was more than I could bear. ……我再也忍不住了。more than后面跟一个从句或一个形容词时可以表示"超出"(多用于口语):
  He was more than pleased with his new room.他对自己的新房间极其满意。
  This was more than I had expected.这超出了我的预料。
  6.Anyway,as Brian pointed out, it is the easiest thing in the world to give up smoking.不管怎么说,正如布赖恩指出的那样,戒烟是世界上最容易的事情。
  it为先行主语,代替后面的不定式短语 to give up…。 point out为固定短语,表示"指出"、"指明":
  Why didn't you point out his mistake to him at that time? 你那时候为什么不向他指出他的错误?
  He pointed out that we still had to get a few other things. 他指出我们还需要/得再买一些其他东西。
  词汇学习 Word study
  1. suffer
  (1)vi. 受痛苦,受苦难;患病:
  During this time, my wife suffered terribly. 在此期间,我妻子吃尽了苦头。
  What is the patient suffering from? 这位病人患的是什么病?
  The village suffered serious damage from the floods. 洪水使这个村子受到了严重破坏。
  Many people are suffering cold and hunger in that district. 那个地区许多人正受冻挨饿。
  (1)keep on与动名词连用时表示"反复"、"持续":
  Keep on trying. 继续努力。
  He kept on saying that he was tired. 他不断地说他累了。
  (2)keep off表示"不靠近"、"从……离开":
  Keep off the flower bed. 请勿进入花坛。
  Keep your hands off the food. 别动吃的东西。
  (3)keep away from表示"(使……)不靠近"、"避开":
  Why do you always keep away from me? 你为什么总躲着我?
  Keep the children away from the river. 别让孩子们去河边。
  (4)keep it up表示"不松劲"、"保持成绩"或"继续下去",而 keep up with则表示"跟上"、"不落在……后面":
  You've made much progress. Keep it up! 你已取得了很大进步。继续努力!
  If you keep it up, you'll be able to set up a new world record. 你如果保持下去/不松劲,你就能创一项新的世界纪录。
  Although he walked as fast as he could, he still couldn't keep up with his father. 虽然他尽快走,但他仍跟不上他父亲。
  In order to keep up with his classmates, he worked harder than ever. 为了跟上同学,他比以往任何时候都更努力。
  (5)keep out可以表示"(使)留在外面"、"(使)不进入":
  He shut all the doors and windows to keep out the wind. 为了挡风,他关上了所有的门窗。
  16,000-volt power line. Keep out! 16,000伏高压线,不可靠近!
  (6)keep in的含义之一为"(把……)留在里面/关在屋里"、"不出外":
  It's very cold today. We'd better keep in. 今天很冷。我们最好别出去。
  When the dog was kept in, it barked loudly. 那条狗被关在屋里时狂吠不止。
  练习答案 Key to written exercises
  B 1 I'm making some coffee. Do you want some/any?
  2 Exports have increased this year.
  3 My dog is afraid of thunder and lightning.
  4 The boy was sent to a school for the deaf.
  5 Tax laws help the rich.
  6 I spent the evening listening to some music.
  7 Crime does not pay.
  8 Would you like an apple or an orange?
  9 Are you an artist or a musician?
  10 Do you take sugar in your tea?
  1 away from  2 off  3 up  4 on  5 out  6 up with  7 in
  1a  2c  3b  4b  5c  6a
  7c  8b  9a  10b  11c  12a
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