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[英语] Side By Side朗文国际英语教程book1-12

发表于 2012-10-19 19:46:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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1. happy 2. sad 3. hungry 4. thirsty 5. hot 6. cold 7. tired 8. sick
9. angry 10. nervous 11. scared 12. embarrassed
I always cry when I’m sad.
Why are you crying? I’m crying because I’m sad. I always cry when I’m sad.
Why is she smiling? She’s smiling because she’s happy. She always smiles when she’s happy.
1.why are you shouting? I’m shouting because I’m angry. I always shout when I’m angry.
2. why is he biting his nails? He’s biting his nails because he nervous. He always bit his nails when he’s nervous.
3. why is the bird drinking? It’s drinking because it’s thirsty. It always drinks when it’s thirsty.
4. why are they shivering? They’re shivering because she’s cold. They always shiver when she’s cold.
5. why are they going to Stanley’s Restaurant? They’re going to Stanley’s Restaurant because they’re hungry. They always go to Stanley’s Restaurant when they’re hungry.
6. why is she going to the doctor? She’s going to the doctor because she’s sick. She always goes to the doctor when she’s sick.
7. why are you perspiring? I’m perspiring because I’m hot. I always perspire when I’m hot.
8. why is she blushing? She’s blushing because she’s embarrassed. She always blushes when she’s embarrassed.
9. why is she yawning? She’s yawning because she’s tired. She always yawns when she’s tired.
10. why is he covering his eyes? He’s covering his eyes because he’s scared. He always covers his eyes when he’s scared.
I’m wishing the dishes in the bathtub
What are you doing?
I’m wishing the dishes in the bathtub.
That’s strange! Do you usually wish the dishes in the bathtub?
No. I never wish the dishes in the bathtub, but I’m washing the dishes in the bathtub today.
Why are you doing that?
Because my sink is broken.
I’m sorry to hear that.
1. What are you doing? I’m sleeping on the floor.
That’s strange! Do you usually sleep on the floor?
No. I never sleep on the floor. But I’m sleeping on the floor today.
Why are you doing that? Because my bed is broken. I’m sorry to hear that.
2. What are you doing? I’m studying with a flashlight.
That’s strange! Do you usually study with a flashlight?
No. I never study with a flashlight. But I’m studying with a flashlight today.
Why are you doing that? Because my lamp is broken. I’m sorry to hear that.
3. What are you doing? I’m walking to work.
That’s strange! Do you usually walk to work?
No. I never walk to work. But I’m walking to work today.
Why are you doing that? Because my car is broken. I’m sorry to hear that.
4. What are you doing? I’m using a typewriter.
That’s strange! Do you usually use a typewriter?
No. I never use a typewriter. But I’m using a typewriter today.
Why are you doing that? Because my computer is broken. I’m sorry to hear that.
5. What are you doing? I’m sweeping the carpet.
That’s strange! Do you usually sweep the carpet?
No. I never sweep the carpet. But I’m sweeping the carpet today.
Why are you doing that? Because my vacuum is broken. I’m sorry to hear that.
How to say it? Reacting a bad news.
My sink is broken?
I’m sorry to hear that. That’s too bad! What a shame!
A bed day in the office
Mr. Blaine is the president of the Acme Internet Company. The company has a staff of energetic employees. Unfortunately, all of employees are out today. Nobody is there. As result, Mr. Blaine is doing everybody’s job, and he’s having a very bad day at the office.
He’s answering the telephone because the receptionist who usually answers it is at the dentist’s office. He’s typing letters because the secretary who usually types them is at home in bed with the flu. He’s sorting the mail because the office assistant who usually sorts it is on vacation. And he’s cleaning the office because the custodian who usually cleans it is on strike.
Poor Mr. Blaine! It’s very busy day at the Acme Internet Company, and nobody is there to help him. He’s having a very bad day at the office!
Early Monday morning in Centerville
Early Monday morning is usually a very busy time in Centerville. Men and women usually rush to their jobs. Some people walk to work. Some people drive, and others take the bus. Children usually go to school. Some children walk to school, some children take the school bus, and others ride their bicycles. The city is usually very busy. Trucks deliver food to supermarkets, mail carriers deliver mail to homes and businesses, and police officers direct traffic at every corner. Yes, early Monday morning is usually a very busy time in Centerville.
Pronunciation reduced to
Listen. Then say it
I’m sorry to hear that. We go to school.
He listens to the radio. Mail carriers deliver mail to homes.
Say it. Then listen.
I’m happy to hear that. They’re going to the doctor.
She listens to music. Trucks deliver food to supermarkets.
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