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Psy 鸟叔 What to wear: A blue suit jacket with black piping, black pants, black sunglasses, and black-and-white saddle shoes. 怎么穿:蓝色黑边西装外套、黑色裤子、黑墨镜和黑白鞍鞋。 How to act: Never stop doing the Gangnam Style dance. 怎么做:不停地跳江南Style。 ![]()
Sheldon From The Big Bang Theory 《生活大爆炸》谢耳朵 What to wear: A comic-book-related t-shirt over a long-sleeved t-shirt and brown pants. Wear a side part, and bring your action figures with you. 怎么穿:在长袖T恤外套一件印有卡通图案的T恤,棕色裤子,头发边分,随身带超级英雄玩具。 How to act: Extremely smart but not the most socially savvy. 怎么做:极其聪明,除了在社交方面。 ![]()
Barnabus From Dark Shadows 《黑暗阴影》巴纳巴斯 What to wear: A fancy brocade vest and button-down shirt with a ruffly cloak. Style your hair into slick points, and carry a cane. You also need your vampire accessories, such as fangs and some sharpened press-on nails. 怎么穿:一件精美的织锦背心和领尖有纽扣的衬衫,再穿一件起皱的斗篷。把你的头发弄得光滑发亮,并携带一根手杖。你同样需要吸血鬼配饰,比如尖牙和锋利的指甲。 How to act: Spooked by all forms of technology and current fashions. 怎么做:以各种形式的技术和现代潮流方式神出鬼没。 ![]()
John From Ted 《泰迪熊》约翰 What to wear: A casual outfit, like a plaid shirt and jeans. What's most important is your oversize teddy bear you'll take with you. 怎么穿:便装,比如格子衬衫和牛仔裤。最重要的是你带在身边的特大型泰迪熊。 How to act: Drink beer and chat with your teddy bear BFF a lot. 怎么做:喝啤酒,经常和你的泰迪熊聊天。
Stacee Jaxx From Rock of Ages 《摇滚年代》斯塔西•杰克斯 What to wear: Leather pants or dark jeans, no shirt, cowboy boots, and a big fur coat. Rock a dark wig and wrap a long scarf around it, and top with sunglasses. 怎么穿:皮质裤子或深色牛仔裤,不穿衬衫,西部牛仔靴子和一件大的毛皮大衣。带深色假发,围一条长围巾在假发上,再把墨镜放在最上面。 How to act: Like a rock star. 怎么做:就像一个摇滚明星一样。 ![]()
Batman From The Dark Knight Rises 《黑暗骑士》蝙蝠侠 What to wear: A batsuit, of course. If you want to make it relevant to this year's release, then walk with a bit of a limp. Batman's kind of an old dude now. 怎么穿:一套蝙蝠装,当然。如果你想看上去跟今年上映的电影中的造型很相似,那么就走得稍微无力一点。蝙蝠侠今年有点老了。 How to act: Bust out your Batman voice, and be as stealthy as possible. 怎么做:从胸腔里发出蝙蝠侠的声音,并且尽可能地保持行踪神秘。 ![]()
The Huntsman From Snow White and the Huntsman 《白雪公主与猎人》猎人 What to wear: A leather vest and long brown coat, brown pants, and boots. Wear a wig you can tie half up, and carry a big axe。 怎么穿:一件皮背心和棕色长大衣,棕色裤子和靴子。戴个假发并扎起一半,携带一把大斧子。 How to act: Gruff but brave. It is acceptable to act drunk while in character. 怎么做:粗暴但是勇敢。扮演这个角色可以装出喝醉酒的状态哦。 ![]()
Sam From Moonrise Kingdom 《月亮升起之王国》小山姆 What to wear: Boy Scout duds like a khaki button-down, shorts, and a bandana around your neck. Top it off with a coonskin cap, glasses, and a backpack. 怎么穿:童子军服装,比如卡其色有衣领扣的衬衫,短裤,脖子上围一条印花大手帕。再戴顶浣熊皮帽子,背个背包。 How to act: Like a lovestruck teen. 怎么做:就像一个热恋中的青少年。 ![]()
Thor From The Avengers 《复仇者联盟》雷神 What to wear: A long blond wig, black pants, and a red cape attached to an armor chest plate. You can fashion a winged helmet out of a bike helmet, cardboard, and tin foil. And don't forget to carry around a huge, heavy hammer. 怎么穿:长长的金色假发,黑裤子,胸部盔甲上附带红色披肩。你可以戴一顶带翅的头盔,把自行车头盔、厚纸板和锡箔都比下去。别忘了携带一把又大又重的铁锤。 How to act: Like an arrogant Norse god; use formal speech, and kiss the hand of any lady who comes within striking distance. 怎么做:像一个傲慢的北欧神一样。运用正式语气说话,目视范围内见到任何女士行吻手礼。 ![]()
Bilbo Baggins From The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 《霍比特人1:意外之旅》比尔博巴金斯 What to wear: A red velvet coat over a vest and button-down shirt. Add pointy ears and craft some hobbit feet out of some slippers. Carry a knapsack and walking stick. 怎么穿:一件红色天鹅绒外套,里面穿件背心和有衣领扣的衬衫。加上一副尖尖的耳朵,穿拖鞋露出一些霍比特人的脚趾。携带一个背包和手杖。 How to act: Carefree. Eat, drink, and talk about adventure. 怎么做:无忧无虑。吃吃喝喝,谈论奇遇。