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据国外媒体报道,苹果将在未来两周后发布一款尺寸更小的iPad——iPad Mini,根据以往的经验,苹果将于11月初正式发售这款iPad Mini。
上述消息人士称,苹果于10月10日发出iPad Mini发布会邀请函,意味着发布会时间为10月17日,发售时间为11月2日。投资公司Topeka Capital Markets分析师布莱恩·怀特(Brian White)说,“iPad Mini发售时机正好能赶上圣诞销售季。”
但市场研究公司科技商业研究析师以斯拉·戈塞尔(Ezra Gottheil)表示,“iPad Mini绝对会提高苹果平板电脑市场份额。苹果肯定会推出iPad Mini。包括苹果在内没有一家公司能只生产价格最高的产品。对iPhone和iPad的定价就表明,苹果愿意遵循价格下降的规律。”
1. 邀请函 invitation
Nobody in the office had received an invitation to the party
2. 销售季 sales season
The upcoming sales season promises well.
3. 发布产品 product launch
They could be organic growth plans - product launches, new hires or major capital expenditure.
它们还可以是自然增长计划 —— 发布产品、招聘新员工或重大资本开支。
4. 用户需求 user demand
Innovation should come from user demand, cannot innovate by ideal elephant.
创新是要用户需求来的, 不能凭空想象去创新。
5. 平板电脑 tablet
But tablets may find a niche , he believes, as portable video players and magazine racks.
6. 潜在买家 potential buyer
But when there are only a few potential buyers, that may be especially low.
但是当只有少数潜在买家的时候, 价格会非常低。