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[资料库] 九年级词汇 动词 --动词时态 --动词语态--非谓语动词

发表于 2012-4-18 14:11:42 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 欧欧哥哥 于 2012-4-18 14:17 编辑
动  词
(   ) 1. Mr Li _____ at work. He’s gone to Xi’an.
A. is B. isn’t C. hasn’t D. didn’t
(   ) 2. He _____ football with his classmates every Friday afternoon.
A. was played B. plays C. is playing D. playing
(   ) 3. The foreigners will go to visit the Summer Palace if it _____ rain tomorrow.
A. doesn’t B. will be C. is D. am going to be
(   ) 4. Li Lei _____ fourteen years old _____ year.
A. was, last B. is, next C. was, this D. was, next
(   ) 5. They _____ to Germany three years ago.
A. move B. moved C. moving D. moveing
(   ) 6. My sister _____ breakfast at home this morning..
A. hasn’t B. don’t have C. doesn’t have D. didn’t have
(   ) 7. It’s nine o’clock. Jim _____ his homework now.
A. is going B. are doing  C. do D. does
(   ) 8. Look! Some children are _____ on the river.
A. boat B. boating  C. is boating  D. boating
(   ) 9. - _____ your father _____ reading the new book?
       - Not yet.
A. Have, finished B. Did, finish
C. Has, finished D. Will, finish
(   ) 10. Peter _____ a lot of friends since the came to China last year.
A. has made B. made  C. makes  D. has maked
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-18 14:12:02 | 只看该作者
        (   ) 1. - Will you please show me the photo of your family?
               - OK. I will _____ it here tomorrow.
                A. take         B. boring         C. catch         D. carry
        (   ) 2. Some children work hard only to _____ their parents happy.
                A. have         B. make         C. take         D. try
        (   ) 3. I like playing computer games, but it _____ a lot of time.
                A. spends        B. uses        C. takes         D. pays
        (   ) 4. - How long may we _____ our eyes closed?
               - Only one minute.
                A. open        B. keep         C. make         D. let
        (   ) 5. All of the visitors are foreign, can you _____ with them in English?
                A. say        B. tell         C. speak         D. talk
        (   ) 6. Knives _____ by people for cutting things.
                A. use        B. using        C. used         D. are used
        (   ) 7. Two new man-made satellites _____ up into space a few weeks ago.
                A. send         B. sent         C. are sent         D. were sent
        (   ) 8. He _____ the news as soon as he arrived.
                A. told         B. had told         C. was told         D. were told
        (   ) 9. The bill will _____ green trees when the next spring comes.
                A. cover         B. cover with         C. be covered         D. be covered with
        (   ) 10. - Do you like this pair of shoes?
                - Yes, it _____ very nice.
                A. is looked         B. looked         C. looking         D. looks
 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-18 14:12:27 | 只看该作者
        (   ) 1. The maths problem is not easy _____ .
                A. to work out         B. to be work out        
                C. worked out         D. working out
        (   ) 2. A new railway _____ between Beijing and Shanghai.
                A. is being built         B. is been building       
                C. has been building         D. has being built
        (   ) 3. By whom will the children be _____ ?
                A. looked after         B. looked at         C. looked like         D. looked around
        (   ) 4. This is one of the tallest buildings _____ in the city.
                A. which has been seen        B. that have been seen
                C. that have seen         D. have been seen
        (   ) 5. At last the parents had their son _____ .
                A. saved         B. saving         C. has saved        D. has been saved
        (   ) 6. Doctors or teachers _____ in every part of the world.
                A. are needing        B. will need         C. need         D. are needed
        (   ) 7. Bob _____ to be one of the best students in his class.
                A. thought        B. was thinking         C. had thought         D. was thought
        (   ) 8. He had us _____ at the bus station.
                A. wait         B. to wait         C. waited         D. waiting
        (   ) 9. The public class made me _____ in modern teaching.
                A. to interest         B. interest        C. interested         D. interesting
        (   ) 10. You’d better keep the windows _____ and the door _____ .
                A. open, closed         B. opened, closing       
                C. opened, close         D. open, close
 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-18 14:18:04 | 只看该作者
        (   ) 1. From his _____ voice, I have to say that he is _____ .
                  A.  surprising, surprised         B.surprised,  surprising
        C  surprising, surprising          D.surprised,  surprised
        (   ) 2. Do you mind _____ the window?
                A. I opening        B. my open         C. my opening         D. I open
        (   ) 3. I often hear him _____ in the next room.
               Now you can hear him _____ again.
                A. sing, singing        B. to sing, sing         C. singing, sing         D. to sing, singing
        (   ) 4. We have a lot of homework _____ every day.
                A. do         B. doing         C. to have done        D. to do
        (   ) 5. You’d better _____ in class.
                A. to not shout         B. not to shout         C. don’t shout         D. not shout
        (   ) 6. He has his clothes _____ once a week.
                A. washed        B. wash         C. to wash         D. washing
        (   ) 7. It’s bad for you to _____ in bed.
                A. read         B. and reading        C. to read         D. reading
        (   ) 8. After he finished _____ breakfast, he went to school.
                A. to have         B. having         C. had         D. has
        (   ) 9. The glass of water is too hot, I prefer some cold water _____ .
                A. drink        B. drinking         C. to drink         D. drunk
        (   ) 10. My father often enjoys _____ to classical music after work.
                A. listens        B. to listen         C. listened         D. listening
 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-18 14:19:35 | 只看该作者
(   ) 1. - Can I leave my baby by herself at home when I go out?
       - No, you _____ .
        A. should better not        B. would better not
        C. had better not        D. have to
        (   ) 2. Many people want to see you. So you _____ keep them waiting for you for more than  two hours.
                A. needn’t        B. can’t        C. won’t        D. might not
        (   ) 3. You _____ hurry. There’s a little time.
                A. needn’t        B. mustn’t        C. need         D. can’t
        (   ) 4. You _____ read in the sun. It’s bad for your eyes.
                A. mustn’t        B. needn’t        C. can’t        D. may not
        (   ) 5. He said he _____ finish reading the book tomorrow.
                A. can         B. might         C. need        D. could
        (   ) 6. I’ll _____ help him if he has trouble.
                A. could        B. can         C. be able to         D. may
        (   ) 7. - My daughter was lost ten minutes ago.
               - You _____ telephone the policemen.
                A. had ought to        B. had better         C. should have to         D. had rather
        (   ) 8. - Oh, I forgot to bring my dictionary with me.
               - That’s all right. You _____ use mine.
                A. should        B. must         C. can         D. have to
        (   ) 9. You shouldn’t go across the road without looking around, you _____ hit by a car.
                A. would        B. might be        C. surely        D. likely had
        (   ) 10. Though it was raining heavily, we _____ get there in time.
                A. were able to         B. could         C. must         D. should
 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-18 14:20:02 | 只看该作者
        (   ) 1. Are there any _____ fish left in the lake?
                A. alive        B. lively        C. lifeless        D. living
        (   ) 2. His mother was ill. He had to _____ a doctor.
                A. send for         B. send out        C. send up         D. send away
        (   ) 3. _____ , there is still a little time left.
                A. Hurry up         B. Slow        C. Take your time         D. Quickly
(   ) 4. When you have enough money, you are allowed to _____ .
        A. drive a car        B. buy a car         C. sell a car         D. keep a car
(   ) 5. I want the cay to be stopped, I _____ the car.
        A. want to stop         B. want stop         C. want you stop          D. want you to stop
(   ) 6. - Shall I call you Tom or Thomas?
       - Oh, it’s not important. Either is OK.
        A. certainly not          B. of course        
        C. that’s all right         D. it doesn’t matter
(   ) 7. The factory is not far from the centre of town.
        A. a long way to         B. farther from         C. near         D. not near
(   ) 8. You don’t have to leave for Hong Kong at once.
        A. mustn’t        B. needn’t         C. haven’t         D. can’t
(   ) 9. It was raining hard when I got home yesterday evening.
        A. difficulty        B. strongly         C. quickly         D. heavily
(   ) 10. English names are different from Chinese names.
        A. like         B. unlike        C. the same as        D. liking
 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-19 09:13:01 | 只看该作者
        动词.  KEY:
1- 5. BBAAB         6- 10. DADCA
 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-19 09:13:12 | 只看该作者
         动词的时态 KEY:
1- 5. BBCBD         6- 10. DDCDD       
 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-19 09:13:26 | 只看该作者
        动词语态 KEY:
1- 5. BAABA        6- 10. DDDCA
 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-19 09:13:52 | 只看该作者
        非谓语动词 KEY:
        1- 5. ACADD        6- 10. AABCD
 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-19 09:14:15 | 只看该作者
        助动词与情态动词 KEY:
        1- 5. CBAAD        6- 10. CBCBA
 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-19 09:14:35 | 只看该作者
        词与词组的辩异 KEY:
        1- 5. DACBD         6- 10. DCBDB
发表于 2012-4-22 07:49:29 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-3 14:26:38 | 只看该作者
分析家 发表于 2012-4-22 07:49

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