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陈述句练习 1.将下列陈述句改成肯定句或否定句。 1. This is my bicycle. 2. I’m good at English. 3. He hasn’t finished the job yet. 4. Tom doesn’t go to school by bus. 5. We live in Beijing. 6. He has no sisters. 7. The baby is not sleeping now. 8. It’s going to rain this evening. 2.根据中文意思.连词成句。 1. 他每天吃三顿饭(has, every, he, three, meals, day) 2. 这部电影很有趣。(is, this, interesting, film, very) 3. 我不喜欢运动。(sports, I, like, don’t) 4. 史密斯夫妇今年搬去上海了。(last, the, Smiths, Shanghai, moved, year, to) 5. 他不会说法语。(she, speak, French, not, can) 6. 他打算把车卖了。(is, going, his, he, to, car, sell) 7. 我的历史老师已经写了两本书。(teacher, history, written, books, already, my, two, has) 8. 她们明天不会离开。(tomorrow, leave, going, are, not, they, to) 3.找出下列句子的错误.并改写成正确的句子。 1. I did lose my wallet yesterday. 2. John don’t like rock music. 3. The soup smell terrible. 4. He must knows the chairman. 5. We are going to not hold a party. 6. The sun doesn’t rise in the east. 7. Mice can’t swim. |