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On the evening of April 14, 1912 a number of first-class passengers on the Titanic revelled in a privately hosted feast in the first-class á la carte restaurant. At the same time in the first-class dining saloon other first-class passengers - some who had paid the equivalent of $124,000 in today's dollars for the ocean voyage - settled in for a sumptuous, if over-filling, ten-course extravaganza. Meanwhile, in the second-class dining saloon, second-class passengers ate a less elaborate but beautifully served dinner. And third-class passengers ate simply prepared, hearty meals served in their own spartan dining saloon. 1912年4月14日晚上,泰坦尼克号头等舱的部分乘客来到高级自助餐厅参加一个私人宴请。这些享受至尊服务的人,花了相当于今日12.4万美元的价钱才登上这艘巨轮。同一时间,在晚宴沙龙还有另一群头等舱的客人,准备享用10道菜组成的奢华盛宴。而在二等舱餐厅里,虽然乘客享用的菜式没有那么精致,却也不失水准。至于三等舱里的人们,只有简单地填饱肚子而已了。 Several hours later, in the early morning of April 15th, the Titanic sank taking 1581 passengers and crew - many well fed and lubricated - to their untimely deaths. 几个小时以后,也就是15日凌晨,泰坦尼克号带着1581名乘客和船员(很多人已经酒足饭饱)沉入冰冷的北大西洋。 What is the fascination with "last meals"? Last meals of executed criminals are usually reported in the media: "For his last meal he ordered fried chicken, a Caesar salad and apple pie á la mode." None of these meals would appeal to the gourmet but for some reason they hold our interest. 为什么人们会痴迷于“最后的晚餐”?媒体常会报道一些临刑罪犯的最后一餐:“最后一餐他点了炸鸡、凯撒沙拉和淋了冰激淋的苹果派”。 其实这些菜单基本不会吸引美食家,但因为某些原因,我们还是会关注和感兴趣。 What sets the last meal on the Titanic apart? Is it that so many died, together, at one time, and that for the first-class passengers at least, their "last meals" were glorious feasts, brilliantly prepared and flawlessly served in an atmosphere of elegance and luxury - with death waiting in the wings? Or is it that the last meal provides a touchstone to the sinking that is accessible to each of us in gustatory terms we all understand? Or is it that the "last dinner" on the Titanic is simply a metaphor for seizing each moment as if it's the last. 我们每个人都会有最后一餐,那泰坦尼克号最后的晚餐又有什么不同?也许是因为1581名乘客和船员一起殒命,而就在头等舱乘客在优雅奢华的氛围中享受菜式精致的盛大晚宴时,窒息的死亡正在一旁伺机而动;也许头等舱的完美味觉盛宴正是死神发出的沉船信号;也许泰坦尼克号上的最后晚餐只是在告诉我们,要紧紧抓住生命中的每个时刻。
The First-Class Menu As served in the first-class dining saloon of the R.M.S. Titanic on April 14, 1912 1912年4月14日皇家邮船泰坦尼克号头等舱晚宴沙龙菜单: First Course: Hors D'Oeuvres, Oysters 第一道菜:点心拼盘,牡蛎 Second Course: Consommé Olga, Cream of Barley 第二道菜:清炖肉汤,奶油大麦 Third Course: Poached Salmon with Mousseline Sauce, Cucumbers 第三道菜:水煮三文鱼配薄酱和黄瓜 ![]()
Fourth Course: Filet Mignons Lili, Saute of Chicken, Lyonnaise, Vegetable Marrow Farci 第四道菜:咖喱牛肉卷,洋葱炒鸡肉,芝士焗西葫芦 Fifth Course: Lamb, Mint Sauce, Roast Duckling, Apple Sauce, Sirloin of Beef, Chateau Potatoes, Green Pea, Creamed Carrots, Boiled Rice, Parmentier & Boiled New Potatoes 第五道菜:羊羔肉配薄荷酱,烤鸭配苹果酱,菲力牛排配土豆,豌豆,奶油胡萝卜,米饭,煮土豆 Sixth Course: Punch Romaine 第六道菜:长叶莴苣 Seventh Course: Roast Squab & Cress 第七道菜:水芹烤乳鸽 Eighth Course: Cold Asparagus Vinaigrette 第八道菜:芦笋冷盘 Ninth Course: Pate de Foie Gras, Celery 第八道菜:西芹鹅肝酱饼
Tenth Course: Waldorf Pudding, Peaches in Chartreuse Jelly, Chocolate & Vanilla Eclairs, French Ice Cream
第十道菜:布丁,查特酒蜜桃果冻,巧克力香草甜点,法式冰激淋 There were only two menus recovered from the Titanic for the night of the 14th. One of these - the first-class menu - is reproduced below. 泰坦尼克号沉没当晚的菜单只有两份得以还原,下面就是头等舱最后晚餐的菜单: