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[楚天英语] 高考英语常用词汇辨析I

发表于 2012-4-26 20:51:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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identicalalikeresemble identical adj.指同一个人或物时,表示“同一的”,可以与same互换。在描写两个或两个以上人或物时,表示“完全一样的”。◇ alike   adj.常作表语,表示在外表、性格或品质等方面几乎相同。◇ resemble       v.指看起来象。
AAfter the earthquake the city ___ a battle field
BThe interests of both parties mayn ot be ____,but they do overlap considerably
CYou and your father dont look very much ____.
DThis gun is ____ to the one which the murderer used
Answers: A. resembled     B. identica C. alike     D. identical
disease 具体指身体上发生的任何不适或疾病,可引申为某种“弊端”,如:heart disease “心脏病”; disease of society“社会弊端”等。
sickness illness 可指任何疾病或不适。但在英国,用法有些区别:sickness 多用来指恶心、呕吐之类的疾病及因某种外因引出的疾病;
illness主要用于因人体内部的虚弱或失调引起的疾病。在时间上,短时的病痛多用 sickness,较长时间的病痛多用 illness。例如:
      He suffered from mountain sickness  他患有高山病。
     The child has suffered from illness for two years  这孩子已经病了两年了。
   Rough seas caused much sickness among the passengers.      汹涌的海浪使许多乘客感到恶心。
increase(decrease)byincrease(decrease)to increasedecrease搭配时,by表示数量增加或减少的幅度,即在原有的基础上“增加或减少了多少”;to则表示“增加或减少到多少”。试比较:
The production cost of these trucks has decreased by one third compared to last year
The population of India has increased to one billion.印度的人口已经增加到了十亿。
in all; at all; after all in all意为“总共”,既可放在句首,也可放在句末。如:
There are 25,000 Inuit in all(In all, there are 25,000 Inuit)      这儿共有25,000因努伊特人。
after all意为“毕竟”。表示“和预期相反”常放在句末;用来提醒不要忘记某个重要的结论或理由,一般放在句首。后者也可译为“要记住,别忘了”。如:
I thought he was going to help us, but he didnt after all 我以为他会帮助我们的,但他终究没有帮我们。
After all your birthday is only two weeks away 别忘了,再过两周就是你的生日了。
at all用在否定句或本身带不肯定意义的肯定句中,以加强语气,意为“根本;竟然”。如:
I dont agree with you at all.我根本不同意你的意见。
I was surprised at his coming at all 我很奇怪,他竟然来了。(本来我以为他不会来的。)
in the morningon the morning of
按英语的习惯用法,in the morningafternoonevening)表示“在早上(下午)晚上”之意,而on the morningafternooneveningof则表示“在某个具体的一天的早上(下午/晚上)”之意,试比较:
1He often reads English and Chinese in the morning 他常在早上朗读英语和语文。
2At 513 on the morning of April 18th1906the city of San Francisco was shaken by a terrible earthquake
in the way in a way in no way on the way in the way 意为“挡道;妨碍(某人)”。如:
Tell the boy not to stand in the way.叫那个男孩别挡道碍事。
in a way 意为“用某种方法(做某事)”。名词way前面常有形容词或thisthat修饰。如:
He worked out the problem in a simple way.他用简单的方法算出了这道题。
In this way over several days the artist and his mouse became good friends
注意:如果in a way单独使用,way前不加任何修饰语,意为“在某种程度上;在某些方面(某一点上)”。如: The article is well written in a way.从某种程度上来说,这篇文章写得不错。 in no way 意为“决不;一点也不”,常用来加强语气。如:
They are in no way similar to each other.他们毫无相似之处。
on the way 意为“在途中”,其后常接to,表示“在去某地或做某事的路上”。如:
He lost his ticket on the way to the cinema.他在去电影院的路上把票弄丢了。
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