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在近期的《大学生了没》中,一位名叫miss lin的网友以夸张另类的造型、一口做作的英语、扭捏妖娆的姿态向大学生们介绍什么是Fashion。其极度夸张搞笑的表演震撼了全场观众,她的口头禅“整个场面我要Hold住”更是迅速在网上走红,“hold住”就是指面对各种状况都要稳住、从容应对一切。在英语中,“hold”有抱、坚持、握住、掌控等意思,今天我们来学习一下这个词在口语中的用法吧!
1. The drug has a hold on the minds of those who use it。
毒品对吸毒者的思想影响极大。http://www.24en.com 爱思英语网
2. You can't hold your drink, that's your problem. Two beers and you're under the table。
3. Your brother is mean to me, but I can't hold it against you。
4. He holds all the cards in our office - he even decides where the water coolers are located and what kinds of pencils we have。
5. I always had the feeling she was holding/keeping me at arm's length。
我总感觉她对我若即若离的。http://www.24en.com 爱思英语网
6. Most of the arguments put forward by our opponents simply do not hold water。
我们的对手提出的大部分辩解都站不住脚。http://www.24en.com 爱思英语网
7. You're not holding your end up. We're having to do your share of the work。
8. Sadie held forth on the virtues of home cooking。
莎蒂大谈特谈在家做饭的好处。http://www.24en.com 爱思英语网
9. Hold your tongue, John. You can't talk to me that way!
10. In our house it was my mother who held the purse strings。
11. I hope the rain holds off until we get home。
我希望我到家后再开始下雨。http://www.24en.com 爱思英语网
12. Hold it! You almost stepped on my contact lens!
13. This is a good plan but not at this time. Let's just hold it in abeyance until things get better。
14. Just hold your horses, Bill. Let's think about this for a moment。